• » As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

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As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

Guys, this isn't about what will be their outcomes when they still continue using text lingos. I don't really care if they will suck in English in the future and won't get better jobs and we should take advantage to be a good example for them. [quote=andHa]Just ask when you couldn't understand their posts. Or ignore them if you think those are not important topics.[/quote] Isn't that a bit too harsh if we will just disregard their post? For me, all the posts are important. I read them one by one because the posts can have their partial reason to exist because the poster wants to be heard. But in this case, I think they should adjust to the forum. Meaning to say, why do we have to take our hard time reading their posts with text lingo? They are the ones who entered here and by the rules they should abide to it! I know that it's with the freedom of speech but like what I've said, would you even bother reading and understanding them when you can't fully understand what they are saying? As my teacher in programming had explained, computers can't understand what humans imply. So, the humans should try to understand and use the words the computers know so that the computer can follow what the humans command them. Same with the users who use text lingo, they should try and adjust themselves so that the members of the community in this forum may understand what they are meaning to say. Is it that really hard to follow the correct usage of words to post?

Last edited by lalalalalalala (2008-11-30 06:16:36)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

I agree on this. and if FTalk will apply this to all, the newbies, regular members and whoevers of the forum will learn MORE english. lol. but I don't know to you. I just agree.
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

just like others did, i just set an example in other ways,,,,you never become a productive person if you always follow all the standards…..just remember in case if this suggestion will be granted, freedom will also decrease….its not mandatory here to write in formal ways….only idiots, morons, imbecile and etc fail if they will use text lingo’s in applying a job!!!!if i am you start polish yourself to understand more about text lingo’s like what i did before……
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

^I think I should repeat my question, in what way do the standards keep you from being productive? I don't really think that using text lingo makes a person be productive as they post in this forum. Do you think that would really help? There's nothing wrong with following the standards and it is up to you how to be productive that won't make the others suffer. The freedom of speech will not decrease, hence it will be increased as to the point that everybody could understand. Just how do you think you will be understood when you use text lingo? It will seem as if you're just talking to yourself because you and you can only understand what you're saying!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote=lalalalalalala]Guys, this isn't about what will be their outcomes when they still continue using text lingos. I don't really care if they will suck in English in the future and won't get better jobs and we should take advantage to be a good example for them.[/quote] Okay, just leave about this discussion undone. We have nothing to do with their future. [quote=lalalalalalala]For me, all the posts are important. I read them one by one because the posts can have their partial reason to exist because the poster wants to be heard.[/quote] That's the point. If they wish to be heard, they should post their minds in proper way. Isn't that simple ? Why should we waste our time to conceive their posts if they never wished to be heard. Beside that, we don't have a clear scope. Some of the lingos have become common english terms. That's why, i said that it isn't easy to apply such rules to prevent lingo from being happened. We have various sections here in FTalk. I don't think we should talk in a formal form of english in each sections or topics. [b]What we need is awareness in how we placed ourself in a discussion.[/b] Well, we analogized lingo posters as the user and members here as the computer. The user has to give the right command that can be understood by the computer to make it works. When he gave wrong commands (posting in lingo), he wouldn't get what he want from the computer. And he is the one who will suffer the loss.

Last edited by andHa (2008-11-30 10:05:26)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote]^I think I should repeat my question, in what way do the standards keep you from being productive?[/quote] you dont need to repeat your question because that question is far opposite from my point.... you should say it in this way,,,,,, in what way do the [b]sub standards[/b] keep you from being productive? ifin that way well im glad to answer it.... [quote]I don't really think that using text lingo makes a person be productive as they post in this forum. Do you think that would really help? There's nothing wrong with following the standards and it is up to you how to be productive that won't make the others suffer.[/quote] as i said its only an example as what others did! dnt u rily get d point????and about this question theres a factor that text lingo can help in a bizzare situation!!!!!! [quote]The freedom of speech will not decrease, hence it will be increased as to the point that everybody could understand. Just how do you think you will be understood when you use text lingo? It will seem as if you're just talking to yourself because you and you can only understand what you're saying![/quote] the freedom im talking is the freedom here NOT the freedom of speech.....the main point of your suggstion is to obstruct text lingo users that not necessary on this forum........if that suggestion will be implement, this forum become bloody again!!!!more workk and additional man power...... by d way im happy to read the word funeral in this topic :lol: i know d deep meaning of that however
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

sorry to interrupt your arguments! in my opinion it would be better to allow text lingo users as long as it is understandable. like me that has the strong sense of understanding, i can easily understand lingo languages except those who are using acronyms like SMS, BTW, WTF, WTH and ETC. these must be on the top prior rather than text lingos. a simple question to the topic starter, aren't you using text lingo's in cellfphone? it looks like your so persistent writing a long messages in texting if i am not wrong!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote=ykisaragi16]the freedom im talking is the freedom here NOT the freedom of speech.....the main point of your suggstion is to obstruct text lingo users that not necessary on this forum........if that suggestion will be implement, this forum become bloody again!!!!more workk and additional man power...... by d way im happy to read the word funeral in this topic :lol: i know d deep meaning of that however[/quote] You're right. :lol: Anyway, as I said, [b]it's their funeral[/b]. Cliche yet straight to the point.As for freedom... Go crazy! Nobody will stop you guys. :eh: Type in SMS or made up acronyms. Go on ahead like this penguin. :penguin: <cliche line here>. :eh: [i](Oh, 2009 is coming... What advancements in Literature, [b]Education [/b]and Languages will we encounter this coming year. :lol:)[/i] [quote=SakabatouSHINTA]sorry to interrupt your arguments! in my opinion it would be better to allow text lingo users as long as it is understandable. like me that has the strong sense of understanding, i can easily understand lingo languages except those who are using acronyms like SMS, BTW, WTF, WTH and ETC. these must be on the top prior rather than text lingos. a simple question to the topic starter, aren't you using text lingo's in cellfphone? it looks like your so persistent writing a long messages in texting if i am not wrong![/quote] No arguments here. Only deep conversations and opinions. :D Besides, attacking the thread starter won't do. [quote]a simple question to the topic starter, aren't you using text lingo's in cellfphone? it looks like your so persistent writing a long messages in texting if i am not wrong![/quote] Note: This is a forum found on the internet not SMS. In short... Totally different from one another. No offense but your question is kinda defeated... :penguin: Anyway, as we said... It's your freedom, use it and go crazy!. :lol: Oops I forgot... the word [b]wisely[/b].

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-01 12:05:55)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

I agree. I've spotted a member who uses text lingo so much. I barely understand her post. It was because she already shortend the original spelling and but still added some addtional letters. [quote]For example: xcspxlly -> which should be wriiten as "especially" t[b]ck[/b]e [b]kc[/b]re -> Take care[/quote] I won't name names. But I agree to ate meg. :eh:
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote]Nobody will stop you guys.[/quote] precisely........this administration is NOT [b]fair and square[/b]........dont ask me why and ask for the proofs i know you know what i meant by............ the heart of this forum is friendship not the proper way of writing words......text lingo is part of fun so howcome we still needed to use proper way of writings?????you can find education not only here, they are everywhere........... im quite disappointed you have the will to support the proper way of writing words beyond that you dont even care and give moral support to all your former comrades..............im projecting the content of my private messages..........

Last edited by ykisaragi16 (2008-12-02 03:41:26)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote=ykisaragi16]im quite disappointed you have the will to support the proper way of writing words beyond that you dont even care and give moral support to all your former comrades..............im projecting the content of my private messages...[/quote] Wow camaraderie. Anyway, The water of the stream is there to be drunk by horses; but you can not force them to drink on it no matter what you do. I hope you have the idea of what I am saying. =) On my opinion, your idea is too shallow. Who are we to manipulate our comrades? :lol: Sure we post rules but, it's their freedom to follow it or, act like hobos or whatever... Okay then... Example time. :lol: [quote=ykisaragi16]precisely........this administration is NOT fair and square........dont ask me why and ask for the proofs i know you know what i meant by............ the heart of this forum is friendship not the proper way of writing words......text lingo is part of fun so howcome we still needed to use proper way of writings?????you can find education not only here, they are everywhere........... im quite disappointed you have the will to support the proper way of writing words beyond that you dont even care and give moral support to all your former comrades..............im projecting the content of my private messages..........[/quote] You used too much ellipsis in your sentences. Ellipses are only composed by 3 dots (...) also; it is I'm not im. dont is don't and howcome is separated, it should be how come. Finally, remember the proper usage of punctuation marks,commas and periods in your sentence, so it can be more understandable. So-on... How do you feel when your grammar is mocked or insulted like some kind of mutton head? Kind of vexing isn't it? Well, you asked to support our comrade right? So [b]there's your frank and honest support[/b]. Anyway, now here is the question... You want us moderators and the administration to bother with minuscule problems such as grammar, and support our comrades by blocking their own personal thoughts and beliefs? I thought those things are taught in school not at a forum that focuses primarily on Friendster. :lol: If you guys really want us to be that strict in Grammar, just say the word. =)

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-02 05:25:17)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[i]hayyy...cmon guys.,i really am fond of this forum coz of fun! most members here are student who just wanna relax and chill out in this forum.,now putting a rule like that, won't that be too suffocating for them?also, that would be too much of a moderator's job, i mean, moderator's also commit grammatical errors,rite? they're not here to teach us the correct grammar,okay?it's the school's job. that's why students pay their tuition. we dont pay moderators here so we must not demand too much for them,rite?i must admit,im 1 of those who use text lingo, like the word right, i type it as rite. of course when it comes to serious matters like when im doing my reports, i don't use it., it does not affect me using text lingo. You just have to know when to use such words. [/i]

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-12-02 05:39:23)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote=eehjhay]To make the discussion short, it will be hard to add the new rule to the current because nobody can force other people to speak what they suppose to. Let them have fun in a way that other people can still understand what they're saying. However if their posts are very hard to understand, just send a report and let the moderators take some actions on them. They will either edit the members' posts, or warn the accused member, or consider the post as a spam.[/quote] ^ this is a very good explanation =) ---- For me, adding a new rule of 'not using a text lingo' will make this forum more sensitive. Let them be free to post the way they want. We also commit a mistakes when using our grammar. It's ok to use a text lingo but be sure that is readable ;)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

mr. Ephemeral what you're showing now is a clear arguments. its look like you ate your own words aren't you? supposedly your the one to settle things that are not neccessary to happen however the fact that your showing now is your helping the discussion to become more hellish what it is. do you have problem anyway? can i help you? your taking seriously on this matter, have you forgotten the nature of your rank? if love those kinds of arguments, well its an honor to accept everything you wanted that makes you happy. if the discussion fade into rotten that probably more better just start the first move. miss ykisaragi16 please dont put everything on your shoulder. i will offer my hand to help you if you want. tell me everything or anything that makes you feel better. please consider me as one of your friend! miss As cicatrizes yup your right thats why we have common sense isn't it! mr. dondon the quote of mr. eehjhay is perfect as it was thats why there are moderators to neutralize and settle things accourding to blocks. anyway please to meet you guys!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

[quote=SakabatouSHINTA]mr. Ephemeral what you're showing now is a clear arguments. its look like you ate your own words aren't you? supposedly your the one to settle things that are not neccessary to happen however the fact that your showing now is your helping the discussion to become more hellish what it is. do you have problem anyway? can i help you? your taking seriously on this matter, have you forgotten the nature of your rank? if love those kinds of arguments, well its an honor to accept everything you wanted that makes you happy. if the discussion fade into rotten that probably more better just start the first move. miss ykisaragi16 please dont put everything on your shoulder. i will offer my hand to help you if you want. tell me everything or anything that makes you feel better. please consider me as one of your friend! miss As cicatrizes yup your right thats why we have common sense isn't it! mr. dondon the quote of mr. eehjhay is perfect as it was thats why there are moderators to neutralize and settle things accourding to blocks. anyway please to meet you guys![/quote] Nope, please read it properly. It is same as As Cicatrizes opinion. The difference was... Mine had an example. I can help you if you can't comprehend what I said earlier... Anyway I think you missed the word example. :penguin: Nice to meet you too... :D

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-02 07:21:53)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

I agree with the TS. Ive seen so many people who'r posting like this. [b]" hw qute, xprexon, hart, "[/b] and so on. See, its so exagge. :lol: and I really hate words like that. [b]C = Q, S = X[/b] :retard: and most of those posters are Filipinos. :retard: Well, I somehow agree too in sis bel's post. ;)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

Well. I dittoed my earlier post. [b]What we need is awareness in how we placed ourself in a discussion. [/b] I think, adding such rules is too excessive. Text lingo has become a mass phenomenon, and it is not a subject to complaint. We need a very long time to wipe it away. And perhaps it couldn't be wiped away. I put FTalk down as a forum for fun, to discover our capability in tweaking, and much more. FTalk is not a formal institution which make the member as a good english speaker become the purpose. Honestly, i don't like [u]some of[/u] the lingos. But whatever i did, i couldn't change the phenomenon. So just let it go with the flow. They have their own way to express their minds. As long as they didn't break the rules or hurt someone's feeling. This is a no-end discussion. We need solutions, not only an empty argument. And i've suggested an idea before. When you found a lingo post, and you couldn't take the points. Just ask the poster. Hope that he/she will realize that his/her post isn't a popular post that can be easily understood by the others. If he/she is a open minded and not a stubborn person, i believe that he/she will change his/her bad habbit. Instead of adding new rules that couldn't be implemented easily, we have better to use a friendly patter or give a good example.

Last edited by andHa (2008-12-02 15:53:57)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

what's this...? rediscussion of a closed topic..? =| lingo is hard to read.... not good for ur eyes.. but a good exercise for ur brain.... reli not a prob for me as long as its not sticky.. as what andha sed, this is not a forum of a formal institution... i wonder what's next...? must be in proper grammar...?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

Anyway, many ideas have already been given. Both parties shared their opinions and so-on... There were opinions that this suggestion will take away the liberty of posting. (+) There were opinions that this suggestion must be implemented to avoid downgrading our grammar and spelling. (+–) (+) Supported idea. (+-) Neutrally supported idea. [b]Topic Locked[/b]

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-02 22:55:24)

  • » As I have noticed with the threads lately in this forum, a lot of users has been using text lingo (including sticky caps) and it is getting hard reading their posts. I consider this topic as a sugges

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