[quote]^I think I should repeat my question, in what way do the standards keep you from being productive?[/quote]
you dont need to repeat your question because that question is far opposite from my point.... you should say it in this way,,,,,, in what way do the [b]sub standards[/b] keep you from being productive? ifin that way well im glad to answer it....
[quote]I don't really think that using text lingo makes a person be productive as they post in this forum. Do you think that would really help? There's nothing wrong with following the standards and it is up to you how to be productive that won't make the others suffer.[/quote]
as i said its only an example as what others did! dnt u rily get d point????and about this question theres a factor that text lingo can help in a bizzare situation!!!!!!
[quote]The freedom of speech will not decrease, hence it will be increased as to the point that everybody could understand. Just how do you think you will be understood when you use text lingo? It will seem as if you're just talking to yourself because you and you can only understand what you're saying![/quote]
the freedom im talking is the freedom here NOT the freedom of speech.....the main point of your suggstion is to obstruct text lingo users that not necessary on this forum........if that suggestion will be implement, this forum become bloody again!!!!more workk and additional man power......
by d way im happy to read the word funeral in this topic

i know d deep meaning of that however