[quote=ykisaragi16]im quite disappointed you have the will to support the proper way of writing words beyond that you dont even care and give moral support to all your former comrades..............im projecting the content of my private messages...[/quote]
Wow camaraderie.
Anyway, The water of the stream is there to be drunk by horses; but you can not force them to drink on it no matter what you do.
I hope you have the idea of what I am saying.

On my opinion, your idea is too shallow. Who are we to manipulate our comrades?

Sure we post rules but, it's their freedom to follow it or, act like hobos or whatever...
Okay then... Example time.

[quote=ykisaragi16]precisely........this administration is NOT fair and square........dont ask me why and ask for the proofs i know you know what i meant by............
the heart of this forum is friendship not the proper way of writing words......text lingo is part of fun so howcome we still needed to use proper way of writings?????you can find education not only here, they are everywhere...........
im quite disappointed you have the will to support the proper way of writing words beyond that you dont even care and give moral support to all your former comrades..............im projecting the content of my private messages..........[/quote]
You used too much ellipsis in your sentences. Ellipses are only composed by 3 dots (...) also; it is I'm not im. dont is don't and howcome is separated, it should be how come. Finally, remember the proper usage of punctuation marks,commas and periods in your sentence, so it can be more understandable. So-on...
How do you feel when your grammar is mocked or insulted like some kind of mutton head? Kind of vexing isn't it? Well, you asked to support our comrade right? So [b]there's your frank and honest support[/b].
Anyway, now here is the question...
You want us moderators and the administration to bother with minuscule problems such as grammar, and support our comrades by blocking their own personal thoughts and beliefs? I thought those things are taught in school not at a forum that focuses primarily on Friendster.

If you guys really want us to be that strict in Grammar, just say the word.
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-02 05:25:17)