[quote=Padme]Err.. that's creepy milktea!
But I had a friend in high school who said she can see things in class.
At first I was shocked and eager to know about what she sees.
But it came to a time where I started to doubt her.
I dunno, I just felt like what she's saying isn't real anymore.
Soon she stopped telling me about things like that, though we're still cool.
I'm not sure, but maybe she just wanted my attention.
Cause I noticed my classmates didn't liked her.[/quote]
Yea..there's a time when i doubt wat she said too..
Maybe..she feels so alone..so #wham# maybe she create tat' imaginary friend..to get some attention..
Yap..from wat i read .. it's all in your mind , and it also have a psychological things in it..^^