Pages: 12

  2008-12-23 05:16:10

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]have you encountered this situation??: you have a bf/gf.. yes you love each other.. but ur gf/bf flirted with another person who happened to be more desperate to have ur love one than normal??

[color=deeppink][align=center][b] yaiks , if i were in that sit , i'd kill the third party then ruuuunnn ! :penguin::penguin: haha kidding . no , if i were in that sit , i will talk w/ my bf about it , if he's not sure upon what to answer , maybe it's time to give each other enough time and space , but if i see that he doesn't exert effort to save your rel at all , ime to say goodbye =) [/b][/align][/color]

Pages: 12

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