[quote=PhRem]Well, i was taking a course of IT..
im just getting curious..
Is Photoshop be tackled in that course?[/quote]
"was", meaning you were once an IT student?
Hmmm... I don't know, maybe photoshop is also tackled because IT students make websites, where in creativity is a must, just like what hikarisakura have said
[quote=hikarisakura]hello there..
just wanna share somthing with u..
my bro is an IT student..
and of course there is a math lesson for it..
once, i took a look for his assignment..
and yeah.. you can call it hard..
but, if u believe that u can do it..
i believe you really can..
but all of his hard work is very good ^_^
now he can make a web or something that related with IT..
I see, i should work hard too
Thanks for sharing