2007-01-23 09:01:03

mango juice
» FTalker
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Re: [b]New Rule! Read before you post.[/b] [quote][b]1.)[/b] [b]Spoiler[/b] If your picture(s) is/are large we would be happy if you put it in a spoiler tag. In this case people won't need to wait to see

[b]:arrow: `mizeL[/b] [quote]Cool pix siz, but the 4th one is shocking ..hehe... peace![/quote] ahehehe.. what makes it shocking?.. do i look like a whore in the 4th pic?... aheheheh :D :/ [b] :arrow: theejhay[/b] [quote]ate mango juice,, nice pix,, u look like my friend in YFC,, hehehe,[/quote] :D .. they said, we have seven doubles in the world... therefore i need to find the remaining 6 cause you already found my first double... aheheheheh :lol: =D :D [b]:arrow: *kim-a-holic[/b] [quote]mango juice haha, the 4th one was shocking. yeah. i agree with ate mizel. and really?! you lost your phone that time? Waah.. amazed that you were all smiles parin.[/quote] ahehehehe.. all smiles parin... i just charged it to experience.... wla na ako magwa eh... i can not turn back time... huhuhuhuh :crybaby: :D

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