@mizel: those posers u are referring to, i dont like them too, but i dont hate them. there's really nothin wrong in expressing your side ryt?

by the way, not all emos cut wrists. and not all who cut wrists are emos. wrist-cutting is most of the time associated with emo sub-culture (others say its a fake sub-culture) because of the media that depicts only the negative side of emos. emo or not, if u have the suicidal tendencies, there's a chance u might cut your wrists, and then either live to show off the wounds, or die.

so posers, please, dont try that at home. i dont hate you, but its stupid trying to be what you are not.

alright.. to lighten up the mood.. here's a punk-ska song for all of you. its titled "Cheer Up Emo Kid" by [i]Patent Pending[/i] (<--ill have this as a sig

I've got a problem with everyone I know
I've got a problem I want everyone to know
I got home late last night from the punk(PUNK) rock(ROCK) show
I say it sucked because I'm emo
I'm gonna cry I'm gonna scream
I'm gonna say what I don't mean
I'm gonna cry I'm gonna mope
I'm gonna give up all my hope
Bringing everybody down
Everybody with a frown
Bringing everybody down
Wait for death to come around
Cheer up emo kid
It's a brand new day
Cheer up emo kid
It'll be okay
Cheer up emo kid
It's a brand new day
Cheer up emo kid
It'll be okay
I like to listen to my favorite band The Cure
I'd ask her out but she'd say no!
No for sure
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me