• » As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

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As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool and all if your trying to be a emo/rakista wanna be... but remember the point of being emo. Being emo or a rakista is'nt about the style of your hair the grim on your face or looking like some sort of goth. It's the knowledge you know in music meaning it's like you breath and sleep music on your mind not just style. I am not against anyone just saying what's in my thought.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

:arrow: [b]to tell you honestly, when it comes to music, i easily cry and remember the good old days..that's why most of my friends label me as an "emo" but there is nothing wrong with it. it's just that i dont resemble their fashion statement or anything.. being emo is in the inside and only your closest buds will be able to see the "emo" in you... most of the so-called "emo" people considers themself emo if: - half of their face is covered by their hair, bangs - they wear black - eyeliner effect (both boys and girls) - cuffs, black accessories.. black black and black but why do we need to dress that way? EMO is not about fashion. [i] i love EMO guys whom, at first glance, you wouldn't think emo-ish[/i] =D Note: I am not against EMOs.[/b]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

^ Good one! Meng has a point.. :thumbsup: I probably came from [i]Generation X[/i] that I didn't really got the idea of what [b]emo[/b] is. And I noticed everyone wants to be emo and claim to be emo, etc. I only understood it 2 years ago, after reading the meaning at UrbanDictionary. :D People stereotype everything, especially from a person's self expression --take clothes! Which shouldn't be. Like, only because you dress like them, people called you emo? Or maybe because the word emo now has 2 separate categories, MUSIC and FASHION. There's some people who dress emo but doesn't listen to emo. And people who listen to emo, but doesn't at all look emo. Then there are the people who's into both, wether naturally or fakingly. I am a VERY emotional person and just like meng, i cry at some songs. Especially songs that remind me of the past that i miss, my childhood, my heartaches, etc. If by chance I liked some emo songs, i wouldn't really want to call myself emo. I'd rather not label myself.. that's what I have decided from the beginning. I love music, all kinds! And I wouldn't really want to put myself in a box. I just don't want a label.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

heheh. another discussion about emos eh..alright then..brace yourselves for a long read... first of all, we must know that the word emo has several meanings. [b]- [/b]fashion -> emo is also a word that describes a fashion trend. there are a lot of fashion trends that are 'in' nowadays. kikays, gangsters, punks, thrasher punks, rhastas, emo, and normal baduys. im just gonna concentrate on the emo fashion trend. wearing cheap black band-labelled tshirts, tight jeans, cuffs, and chucks one of the many requirements to look 'emo', but this doesnt necessarily mean that a person who wears those is an emo or a poser emo, or is trying to be emo. [b]- [/b]music -> the word emo is also now a genre of music, originally as 'emotional punk'. yup, punk rock is its forefather. punk music originally depicted and delivered lyrics about social and political issues. but as it evolved, its content had also included themes about aspects of life and love. punk music,originally, has an upbeat sound. but since heartbreaks and sadness were also a part of life, an emotional side of punk was born, the emo punk or emo for short. there were and are a lot of bands that have this genre as their sound. but this does not necessary mean that the bands that 'sound' emo are emos themselves. they just produce 'music for emos'. [b]- [/b]people -> so emo genre'd bands produce the music for emos. who are emos then? well, they are: the always depressed, the hated, the discriminated, the wronged, the suicidal wrist-cutters, the freaks, and the [insert negative adjectives here that ignorant people say about emos]. sigh...tsk tsk tsk... alright, ill just have myself for a situation example.. i most of the time wear black tshirts. since i was a kid, even before the word emo was born, i have like the color black. and even until now. it matches colors with anything that i wear (may it be my pants or shorts). i wear band-name-labelled tshirts too. cuz they'r cheaper. far cheaper than those from branded tshirts that costs about P300, while i can only pay about half the price if id buy those black tshirts which has my favorite band's name, which is also a plus, at least for me. in my shorts or pants, i dont wear skinny jeans. not me. but i wear high cutted chucks (Converse Chuck Taylor shoes). chucks were invented a very long time ago, and i prefer them than any other shoe. i like them because their lightweight. i usually do a lot of walking from our house to the main road to commute, as well as in school, specially when you have to transfer from a classroom to another. so a lightweight shoe was ideal. a pair of chucks can also match with either shorts or pants. a pair of chucks is also cheaper back then when it was first sold than any other branded shoes (but since the growing popularity and demand, its price became far high than before). im not a rich guy you see..so id prefer the 'cheaper but presentable'. the bottom line: i dont wear those things to look emo or so that others will 'see' me as emo. i wear them because i like to wear them. no one has to argue with me on that. i have always liked the rock music. rock is the brother of punk. punk is the father of emo. so the emo genre of music also got my heart. i had [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=24951#p24951]experiences[/url] which i could relate to its contents. when times get 'heavy', listening to agggressive bounced music and screamed voices can relieve the heaviness in me (have you heard of the quote: if you cant beat them, join them?). but of course, life is not always heavy. so i dont just listen only to emo songs all the time. it would be fake. always thinkin about your problems and being depressed will gain me nothing. life has ups and downs. so there's also got to be a lighter side of life, and a lighter side of music for it. i listen to pop punk, modern rock, rap rock, and other related genres for other moods that match the music. another bottom line: i like to listen to the emo genre not to show off that im depressed and hopeless or so that others will 'see' me as emo. i listen to them because i like to listen to them. again, no one has to argue with me on that. actually, the word emo is a negative term. in western countries for example (where that word originally was coined), you should feel insulted if you were called an 'emo'. why? cuz it means that you are too soft, overly sensitive, cant fight back, have a bad fashion sense, dork jerk freak, hopeless, and so on. and your were always discriminated. you wouldnt want to be called an 'emo', trust me. so those claiming that they are 'emos' are either using the fashion definition of emo as their label as well as their music preference, or they just dont really know the story behind what they label themselves. but honestly, i dont understand why people would love to hate the emos. do you happen to hate them? do you know why you would happen to hate them? you dont. i also dont really know if there were actually real world emos. funny. im actually talking about something im not even sure exists. maybe there were. maybe there are. maybe there will be. or maybe its the emo fashion trend that gave birth to emos. or maybe it was the emo music genre's contents that gave birth to emos. or vice versa. or maybe both. or maybe neither of them. if not them, then who? pfft. ok, lets just assume they exist, for the time being. if there are actually real emos, i wouldnt expect them reading my post right now. cuz after all, what's an emo doing in a Friendster community forum? he might as well be alone in his room thinking about how big are his problems rather than customizing his Friendster profile, dont you think? heheh. anyway, if there's someone here who happens to be what they call an 'emo' (pls dont be offended for the term), i have a personal request: "i just want you to do something, i want you to cheer up. yes, cheer up. life might seem dark and cruel. life might have scarred your heart. but there's no point in staying in the negativity anymore. that will only worsen the pain. pain cannot be cured by another pain. rise my friend. prove your worth. we all went through the same things that you were. weve been in the same place once. though i havent entirely go out from the call of shadows, i have seen a light. and so can you..." if an emo apparently was not here to read my above message but you ever happen to know one, can i ask a favor from you? please, do what you can to let all his bad feeling go away. i dont think they are hopeless. i dont think they are freaks. i think they are just misunderstood. i think they need help. i dont think they should be indiffered. i dont think they should be discriminated. i think they should be comforted. i think they should be cared. spread the word. about posers. i know a lot of people who hate them. do you happen to hate them too? hmm..why would you..? there are those who call themselves as emos because of their looks and how they dress. i say dont hate them. just leave them be. there were poser kikays, poser kikoys, poser gangsters, poser rockers, poser hiphoppers, poser punks, poser etc. do you happen to hate them too? i think you shouldnt. you see, everybody undergoes this phase in his life to find out 'where' he belongs. we try to experiment on our looks and expressions and find out if it fits us or it will help us express our ourselves more, until we know what we really want to have as our outer appearance. 'posers'. we all were. dont you agree? there are also those who call themselves emos because of the genre of music they listen to. i say dont hate them too. the explaination is the same as above. maybe just tryin to experiment and all etc. the 'worst' posers, are those who do call themselves as emo for their fashion, for their taste of music, and for everything they do as well. like having to cut wrists for example. well im not gonna say too much here on, cuz they've been mouthed so many times already. however, i dont know about you, cuz still, i dont hate them. i dont have to. what for? so dont judge me, im not emo. but even if i was, dont judge me still. before you judge someone, try lookin at yourself in the mirror. if you see perfection, then you have the right to mouth anyone else for all you want. else, keep the bad comments to yourself, and give help instead. and that goes for me as well. i hope i had made a point here...

Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-01-27 03:35:24)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

:arrow: [b]you really have a poin there. and i did bothered to read the whole post. i know what you feel and i know how it is like around people having big problems.. but like as you've said, Cheer up.[/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=meng.o3]you really have a poin there. and i did bothered to read the whole post.[/quote] thanks. [i]pinaghirapan ko din yan hanggang 12:15am.[/i] hahaha. :D anyway, the thing is, we all are different. we have different tastes, different preferences, different experiences, and so on. what's the use of the word 'compromise' and 'respect' if we would create friction with others? =) :thumbsup: cuz after all, we only get what we give :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

its odd but i had sadness with me....all my life and learned to live with it... youre right..whats an emo doin on friendster anyway...i'm wandering around to see if people have a sense of understanding for these type of people...you know.....its hard to let go of the pain...if you see her everyday...with him...
» FTalkWhiz
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Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[b][u]Kuya Charles (F-kid)[/u][/b] [i]I've just read your very long post. [/i] Cheer up. I happen to hate emo-posers, b/c they do cut their wrists. Maybe until now. They're just [i]gaya-gaya[/i]. :doubt: Err, I juz dun like them cutting their wrists. Gah! Juz a waist of blood, you know. If I were those emo-posers, I'd rather donate my blood to those in need. :disgust: [i]To those who were offended by my post, I'm sorry. I'd just expressed my side.[/i] Peace! :globe:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

@mizel: those posers u are referring to, i dont like them too, but i dont hate them. there's really nothin wrong in expressing your side ryt? :D heheh. by the way, not all emos cut wrists. and not all who cut wrists are emos. wrist-cutting is most of the time associated with emo sub-culture (others say its a fake sub-culture) because of the media that depicts only the negative side of emos. emo or not, if u have the suicidal tendencies, there's a chance u might cut your wrists, and then either live to show off the wounds, or die. :wasted: so posers, please, dont try that at home. i dont hate you, but its stupid trying to be what you are not. :D alright.. to lighten up the mood.. here's a punk-ska song for all of you. its titled "Cheer Up Emo Kid" by [i]Patent Pending[/i] (<--ill have this as a sig :D ). \m/, [flash=160x68]http://www.myflashfetish.com/minime.swf?myid=943064&mycolor=0x666666&mycolor2=0x0&mycolor3=0xff0000&autoplay=false[/flash] I've got a problem with everyone I know I've got a problem I want everyone to know I got home late last night from the punk(PUNK) rock(ROCK) show I say it sucked because I'm emo I'm gonna cry I'm gonna scream I'm gonna say what I don't mean I'm gonna cry I'm gonna mope I'm gonna give up all my hope Bringing everybody down Everybody with a frown Bringing everybody down Wait for death to come around Cheer up emo kid It's a brand new day Cheer up emo kid It'll be okay Cheer up emo kid It's a brand new day Cheer up emo kid It'll be okay I like to listen to my favorite band The Cure I'd ask her out but she'd say no! No for sure Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]@mizel: those posers u are referring to, i dont like them too, but i dont hate them. there's really nothin wrong in expressing your side ryt? :D heheh. by the way, not all emos cut wrists. and not all who cut wrists are emos. wrist-cutting is most of the time associated with emo sub-culture (others say its a fake sub-culture) because of the media that depicts only the negative side of emos. emo or not, if u have the suicidal tendencies, there's a chance u might cut your wrists, and then either live to show off the wounds, or die. :wasted: so posers, please, dont try that at home. i dont hate you, but its stupid trying to be what you are not. :D alright.. to lighten up the mood.. here's a punk-ska song for all of you. its titled "Cheer Up Emo Kid" by [i]Patent Pending[/i] (<--ill have this as a sig :D ). \m/, [flash=160x68]http://www.myflashfetish.com/minime.swf?myid=943064&mycolor=0x666666&mycolor2=0x0&mycolor3=0xff0000&autoplay=false[/flash] I've got a problem with everyone I know I've got a problem I want everyone to know I got home late last night from the punk(PUNK) rock(ROCK) show I say it sucked because I'm emo I'm gonna cry I'm gonna scream I'm gonna say what I don't mean I'm gonna cry I'm gonna mope I'm gonna give up all my hope Bringing everybody down Everybody with a frown Bringing everybody down Wait for death to come around Cheer up emo kid It's a brand new day Cheer up emo kid It'll be okay Cheer up emo kid It's a brand new day Cheer up emo kid It'll be okay I like to listen to my favorite band The Cure I'd ask her out but she'd say no! No for sure Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Nobody likes me Everybody hates me[/quote] WOW! Hahaha! that's truly expressing your self Rock on dude! That's saying it! :D :thumbsup: For all poser out there... Evolve to the next level of poser! replace the letter P in Poser to Letter L :D Hehe anyways bro forseken has a point "BE YOUR SELF" But also remember To be your self you must be someone you're not (hope you get the point :) ) About myself I don't say I am a emo in style because I like short hair I dress normally but, my passion for music is very high like a true emo has... Also I prefer music than style anytime : ) because music gives the theme on style in terms... You could say I am a NEMO hehehe.... Normal + Emo :) lolx

Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-01-27 09:59:55)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=Ephemeral]You could say I am a NEMO hehehe.... Normal + Emo :) lolx[/quote] :arrow: [b]thought i might find you.. lolx. finding nemo. :lol: [/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=Ephemeral]Hehe anyways bro forseken has a point "BE YOUR SELF" But also remember To be your self you must be someone you're not (hope you get the point)[/quote] Yup. thats what it is about: being yourself. we should always remember that all of us have something in common, and that is being unique with each other. so there's no point in trying hard to be what you are not. maybe we can admire or idolize an individual if we see something cool about them, like their looks, traits, etc. but all of us are different. none can never be like any other in general, not even twins ;) ;] . lets just try to be the best of what we are :D :thumbsup: [quote=meng.03]lolx. finding nemo.[/quote] nyahah :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

:arrow: [b]Just be yourself. Dont hide in the shadows of your failures or whatsoever. don't even pretend you're one if you're not. get a life, bring out the true you.[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

To tell honestly I think emo persons are cool in heart and mind and I never think of their outer look, what I want in friends is who they are :) In my view being emo doesn't already mean your a failure or a outcast or to stand out it means you have more passion in thinks what you do best :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=Ephemeral]In my view being emo doesn't already mean your a failure or a outcast or to stand out it means you have more passion in thinks what you do best :D :thumbsup:[/quote] :arrow: [b]yah but most people are so emo coz they experienced failures in life. first in lovelife then some in their status in life.. [/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

[quote=meng.o3][quote=Ephemeral]In my view being emo doesn't already mean your a failure or a outcast or to stand out it means you have more passion in thinks what you do best :D :thumbsup:[/quote] :arrow: [b]yah but most people are so emo coz they experienced failures in life. first in lovelife then some in their status in life.. [/b][/quote] hehe I know that is why pick your friends that will bring you up not down :) yet dreaming with a broken heart can make waking up the hardest part... especially in the term of love :crybaby: but looking on to the future helps =| remember you make your own fate with the right guidance of family and friends.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-01-29 10:07:19)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

^ Failures in life have been experienced, is being experienced, and will be experienced by everybody, simply because it is a part of life itself. we're not perfect. so anybody can be subject to failures, emo or not. when we fail, it can be very depressing, frustrating, etc. but then all we really need are those who will be on our side at those times when were down. it will help us recover and cope up with life again. that's basically what the 'emos' lack--they have no one to be with them at times when they needed them most. the point is, instead of mouthing about emos, why dont we just help them instead? all they need is care, and someone to be there for them. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

:arrow: [b]^ the problem is, some of them want to be alone. they dont want to be pitied. they dont want to be helped by others.[/b]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

yeah u guys right about an EMO :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

Emo style of life. :P
  • » As we all know the term Emo/Rakista is spreading around the world and also in our looks and lifestyle, but... Do you think being a true emo or rakista is shown in style? For me having style is cool a

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