Pages: 12

  2007-10-02 02:13:39

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow:[b] Please be reminded that graphics are totally all over the place, so it would be better to post your OWN original work.[/b] [quote]Avoid putting avatars, signatures, glitters, graphics, tha

WOW? You really want to make chaos err? If you have questions about the rules, do not ever post it in the forum. PM any moderators or PM the admin. Questioning the faults and mistakes of the staff won't help the forum. It will only give bad reputation that will last in the minds of the members. So I am asking you nicely to calm down and know your limitations. [b]Topic locked[/b] As i said, anyone who have comments about the rules, you may PM us moderators.

Pages: 12

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