I've never played nor seen Kingdom Hearts in action.
The first time I learned of this I heard the game would include Mickey?
Forgive me for being ignorant, but are there Disney characters in this game?
I mean Disney characters like GOOFY, D.DUCK, etc.

That Sora kid looks cute on his custome though.

Yeah also the game includes various character from squaresoft games (before they change their company to square-enix) like finalfantasy, FFAC, and other games also disney characters like the chip and dale, little mermaid,lion king,starwars and mickey mouse actaully there;s many more!
But in this game Imagine mickeymouse donald and goofy doing sword bashing combos hehe...
The main character is Sora who uses the keyblade as a weapon, the main objective is to defeat "PETE" (a disney character that is shown in most goofy shows) the leader of heartless who wants to control Sora and defeat the ORGANIZATION XIII lead by Xemnes the final boss.
The good thing about this games is you get to use and fight with diffrent final fantasy characters, like Squall,Auron, and get to fight "Sphiroth" and believe me he's one tough opponent.
Anyways I hope you guys play the game! :cake: :gift: