Pages: 12

  2010-04-09 03:10:38

» n00b
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update n po . new reader here :)

[u]TEN[/u] Mama Anicia called the director of the play immediately after our stomach-filling lunch. We were given scripts which were actually written ages ago. No photocopier here. Nah-uh. Too modern for this part of the world. Tsh. We are all inside the house where the garden and fountain are. Some are seated on the amazing garden chairs while some are roaming around while reading the script. "Ok ka na ba?" It was Jarell. "Yeah, thanks for asking." "So.. Juliet.. Do you have any experiences in this field?" "Uh.. Yeah. Pero syempre nothing compared to yours. Hehe.." "Di naman.. Don't sweat, I'll help you." "Aww, thank you Romeo." "Haha.. Bagay noh?" "Ou naman! Haha." "Well, thank you, my Juliet." [align=center][size=3]***[/size][/align] [quote]source: 'Zup, people of the Philippines?! With the Elections 2010 coming up, who wouldn't want to break-free from the hassle life we all live in and watch Zillion-Peso Hottie for even just an hour? This is what you call Life. With the girl we all know as witty, what else does she have that makes superstar Jarell Laoingco be with her over and over and over again? The looks - yes, we all know that. How about attitude? Is she better than Abbie Singh, JaLao's third girl or much much better than Bea Romulo, the latest EX-girl friend? We just saw Rich Laurel, Stradfront High's heartthrob slash typical Boy-Next-Door, intervene for the first time in the Sam-Jarell Tandem. We all wonder what JaLao felt towards that. Will his true colors show or is this the real-deal already? So much questions. So little time. All of these will be answered only if you watch ZPH, the hottest show in the country. Tune in every weekdays, 8pm @ Channel 1. You are always number one to us. - Number One Channel[/quote]

You are viewing a post by carmerika. View all 38 posts in update n po . new reader here :).

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