[quote=admin;#3632246;1276596398]ok the battle arena subsection has been added[/quote]
YAY! You sir, are awesome. xD
[quote=admin;#3632462;1276606303]i guess it's better to have a single thread for all the challenges. but it's up to you and blackmamba to decide.[/quote]
Why me? T.T Haha. Well, I also think it's better to have a single thread for that. But only challengers are allowed to post in there and edit the status of the battle if it's accepted/declined/no response. Then separate threads will be created for the voting. ^^
*I hope somebody challenges somebody soon. Or I'll feel incredibly stupid for suggesting this in the first place. :[ Hahahaha.*
So... I think all we need is the... "Challenges" thread. ^^
Last edited by blackmamba (2010-06-15 11:49:14)