2007-03-17 22:51:05

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]New Rule! Read before you post.[/b] [quote][b]1.)[/b] [b]Spoiler[/b] If your picture(s) is/are large we would be happy if you put it in a spoiler tag. In this case people won't need to wait to see

[b]meimei[/b] is ur name really MEIMEI? and i think there's nothing wrong with being vain. just make sure, you can carry yourself as "vain". :D and peace gurl. we all love our faces, we can't afford to lose it, no bashing with other members. Lolx. [b]sis aina [/b] yeah, i will. harhar. [b]sis jem[/b] im kinda lazy enough to post another chap at that story. hahaha. ill try after the exams. that would be friday, i think. :norose: [b]sis kat[/b] but i so love the shades. ask you friend wer'd she get that. :penguin: i love the cuff. *__________* [b]here's mine:[/b] [i]the new ones? :/ [/i] i dunno, i was supposed to post my prom pics but my friend [i think] forgot to scan it. :doubt: [img]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/3536/image0034copykc9.png[/img] [img]http://i18.tinypic.com/2r2ngo2.png[/img] hahaha, the last pic looks like an emo. booo.x3

Last edited by *kim-a-holic (2007-03-17 22:51:46)

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