2007-03-24 15:43:39

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]New Rule! Read before you post.[/b] [quote][b]1.)[/b] [b]Spoiler[/b] If your picture(s) is/are large we would be happy if you put it in a spoiler tag. In this case people won't need to wait to see

[b]Looking at page 35 & 36:[/b] [b]@Oyen[/b] Kate is that you? Haha! I love that picture, post some more Oyen! [b]@Aries[/b] It's the 1st time I see your real pic. It's nice to see you finally! [b]@Weng[/b] I saw you from that group pic right away! Boy that was easy, the cutest girl in the bunch! Hehe! [b]@mhie ehm[/b] Nice pix, that's a cute white top... Yeah just by looking at it your uniform, it's HOT! Good thing it's summer vacation, you get a break from wearing those. Here're mine, taken a month ago. My hair is shorter now, at the front I meant. [img]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/5570/6590689058yn8.jpg[/img] That silly expression. [img]http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/6757/573497593475oi3.jpg[/img] My bear says peek-a-boo.

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