[quote][b]regiehiozn wrote
"can everybody join??"[/b][/quote]

yes everybody can join except for newbies. that's sir admin's rules.

[quote][b]alliana01 wrote
"i suggest that when it comes to voting, all the member who voted would have to post in the thread so no one will think that there are ghost accounts.


i agree in this idea. if ever sir admin agrees i'll make that as a companion in voting. hehehe. but they don't need to tell who is the one they voted.

[quote][b]handsomedevil_17@yahoo.co wrote
"cAn i jOin??"[/b][/quote]

sorry no newbies.

uhm just a reminder, please don't use sTiCkY cApS on posting here in ftalk. that's the rules.

[align=center][i]thanks for the positive feedbacks guys. need more to make this contest possible.

special thanks to,
[b]sir ephemeral. the only mod who responded. ehehehehe.
