i've been starting to say some bongacious words

at this point of my life..
well, is this topic appropriate here? i hope so...hehehe

let's get started!!!!

"whatever! major loser, loner, major social climber, as if, duh!!!"
"don't be such a loud talker, or else i'll cut your tongue!!"
"that's so, exclusively and totally uncool!!!"
"get out of my sight, you parasite!!"
"how redundant!!"
"your exclusively uninvited here?!!!"
"what a [color=white]whore[/color] and a scam!!!"
don't say again and again those who's feelings are easily hurt...
well... i only want to share this quotes...
hope u like them..


have a gud day everyone!!!
Last edited by lucknskill (2008-01-04 05:10:59)