[quote]kristoper21 wrote:
hmm, but there is nothin emo about the used
oh so i have to defined the word emo now?geez mam
read lyrics, then you'll find what emo means
try dashboard,typecast,secondhandserenade,alesana,silverstein the list goes on... oh nd paramore,(i know u know them)
dig through their lyrics mam
then maybe you'll get what i'am talking about miss angeli... peace
dont label a band emo just because they have those sea gull type hairs
or because they have a vox that have a screeching-cat-like-voice or perhaps over-abused octave riffs
the word is so abused nd over-used nowadays huh?
sory bout the off topic on my first post, nd this one also
peace everyone
wapak, edit! my grammar sucks, bigtym![/quote]
i listen 2 d bands u mentioned but i don't consider myself emo...

i chose saosin by the way... i love seven years