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There are many things in this world that we cannot explain..
[b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.
while reading all of ur stories...
each and every word u wrote i sad [i]bismillah[/i] (u say to call ur God's name for da muslims)
i accidentally selected [i]None yet, but I believe these things.[/i]
but after i sent da poll i just realized i have one sorry!!
~da story~
okay i dunno whats da actual time cuz i wasn't there...
the story is summarized in my friends video-taking in the skool and my friend
there was this festival but i forgot what kind of festival iz it
i was out there wid ma friend actually i dunno wats happening but i watched da vdo
and what was happening is in the classroom of grade 6 - Pythagoras..
wel it's a festival and some of da students assemble theirselves in da gym, quadrangle, classroom, or anywhere in da skool
my classm8s and some boys are in da classroom videoing
there were 6-7 students there........
they closed the light but there is a wide window in the room and there is where the light comes out.... in short, it wasn't dark
one of the boys has said there's a man in the room wearing white, ha know that because he have the third eye (maybe)
there try to prove that by videoing the room....
i recorded each and every part of the classroom kinda 360 dgrees....
the recording was done....
they watched the video.....
when they opened, there was a voice saying
it seemed to be the voice of a man...
they continued watched the video and when they stopped at 00:37 seconds....
they've seen a man [b]w/o head [/b]on the window!!!!
its really freaks me out seeing that!!
anyway... i believe in these thing but its normal to me
who did that and what you see are just a spirit of human like us
u dun need to be scared about it...
God is always with us