This is just a simple copy paste code that provides marquee effect on the background
Thanks to, [b][/b] for all the knowledge.
[b]The DiaShak DuchShiKnight2008[/b]
:clock: [b]Time[/b] and[b] HeadAches[/b]
ok just paste this one anywhere outside the loader
on the very top would be preferable
[quote]var draco = 0;
var eptokObject = eval('document.body');
function pootpoot(full) {
draco = draco + 1;
if (draco > full) draco = 0; = "0 " + draco;
var Timer = window.setInterval("pootpoot(307)", [b]64[/b]);[/quote]
and you're done!
edit the bold part to change the speed. the higher the number the slower ok? [b]must not be less 0[/b]
sorry for the simplicity of this trick.
i need to be admitted to the hospital for an operation.
i fractured my [b]NOSE.[/b] got hit be a cue ball during a fight.
weeeh. aniwei. happy tweaking be back tomorrow night or monday.
wish me luck on the operation guys!
weeeh.. dedicated again to miss [b]shy19[/b]
PREVIEW HERE: [url][/url]
Last edited by dracoknight09 (2008-02-15 09:56:53)