[quote=kielmaru_07][quote=joebz]Oh yeah.. I see your point. Sort of like Totally Spies (*EWWWWWW*).. Well, at least Enma's high-tech. Haha...[/quote]
ye i know. y sort of like totally spies?
And ezil, thats the one i like.
Every episodes . Story of the protagonist > Conflict > Protagonist calls hell girl > enemy dies > repeat process
As long as it relates to death.

You know, in TS, the trio does girly-girly things like dates and fights with Mandy, then they fall into some tunnel and end up in a mission briefing, then the mission comes, they get caught, they interrogate the enemy, the enemy spills his plans, enemy leaves them, the trio escapes and stops the enemy, and they're back to their girly-girly thing activity.
Jigoku Shoujo sort of reminds me of Death Note, by the way...