finaly my JS and CSS codes work with the help of this tutorial, now I dont have any problems about those double boxes. THANKS FOR THIS TUTORIAL!!!!!
But in swits tutorial there is a small error on a code --> mycss.href=rootFolder+'css.css'
in this code there should only one css, cuase the
layout will not appear if the format is this ---> mycss.href=rootFolder+'css.filename.css'
just change the format of the code to this --> mycss.href=rootFolder+'filename.css'[/quote]
wakoko first enx...
second.. theres nothing wrong with tuts i posted..
it really doesnt matter how u name ur file
i can even name it with numerous css like this
as long as it got sinlge period/dot before the file category it will work...
and of cors
this one will not work...
luk strage too lol..
'css.[b]filename.css' [/b]
wondering how computer will read that...
Last edited by switpotato (2008-02-27 00:22:48)