[quote=andHa][b]@ R/R[/b]
thx so much buddy for helping me.
i appreciate it so much.
+ for ur kindness

[b]@ arip[/b]
[quote=arip]i already deleted all quote in the text field but still no text appeared.. only pic and skip intro text appeared... is it because of the colour?...

can u cx?

i've checked it .
make the html like this (tested)
<">[b]@ 8_paulo_8[/b]
[quote=8_paulo_8]is this working? why when i use this only the black background is appearing?

here's my link:
this is what i've done. (tested)
just change yours like this.
thanks andha...
btw is it like that when I view my own profile the intropage worked but I am not logged in I cannot see my userID in my cek ID trick...