[quote=03_khine_03]i also experienced this and my classm8 w/c is also a member here..
1 day, a guy w/ a username of Batman_robin suddenlyadded me, and he said to him.. [i]"kim, watch"[/i]
then when i viewed his webcam, (you know it na)
then i closed it and I reported him as spam..
it also happened to my classm8 (carlarockz2294)
I think he got our YM here.. so I edited my profyl and I removed my Ym..
nice suggestion but I think it is impossible?[/quote]
sis that batman_robin is also pestering me..until now

thats better... either do not broadcast ur YM id's, erase that contact on ur list or block the user.
btw, even he7s insisting u to view his cam u can just ignore him like what im doin.....

im always feeding him all the bad words i know
Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-03-15 07:24:51)