Re: i've been starting to say some bongacious words :lol: at this point of my life..
well, is this topic appropriate here? i hope so...hehehe =|
let's get started!!!! :thumbsup:
"whatever! major loser
also these:
pRacTice makEs peRfecT..bUT nothinG's oR no one's peRfeCt..sO whY pRacticE?
waY LaBa waY LoaD..iDk aS in i dOnT keR! (waLAnG LaBa waLanG LoaD..iDk aS in i dOnT keR)
GiaTaiii kuDasaiii...
aNd thAT's iT iGit...
aNd if sOmEonE cRackS coRny jOkEs:
haRhaR..sOooOoOo..fUnNy aS iN..
tHaT's aLL...thank yOu..