[quote]Don’t just get mad when we wear short skirts. Be protective. We like it, just not overdone. You’re our boy, not our dad.[/quote]
I want him to know this.
[quote]Please don’t openly stare at other girls’ legs when we’re together. Only a few girls can forgive you for that and only a few will stare along with you and think nothing of it.[/quote]
We can talk when we get home.

[quote]You don’t have to be handsome for a girl to like you. It’s all about personality and how you carry yourself.[/quote]
You are so right here. I really want him to read this.
[quote]Initiate praying before meals. Good boys are always hard to find, so prove you’re one of them.[/quote]
PLUS point for you.

[quote]You boys say we’re complicated---but wouldn’t life be boring if we weren’t?


I sooo agree with this.