Aww. Thanks for posting Icee.

I super like it too.
[quote]Please don’t openly stare at other girls’ legs when we’re together. Only a few girls can forgive you for that and only a few will stare along with you and think nothing of it.[/quote]
I'd stare the legs with you.

[quote]You don’t have to spew lines from Shakespeare just to make us melt. A simple SINCERE compliment does wonders.[/quote]
It makes me smile, actually.
[quote]You expect girls to be pretty and fresh all the time---do the same for us. A smelly, sweaty boy is expected, but we’d rather have you smelling good.And yes, smelling good counts.[/quote]
Some guys do not look like Brad Pitt when sweating. Brad Pitt looks hotter if he's all covered with sweat, but ordinary guys are not. So we expect you guys to smell like a Mama's boy. XD
[quote]Don’t feel bad when we pay up or are too shy to say what we want you to buy for us. We just don’t want you to think we like you for your money.[/quote]
I'd like you guys to know that I'm not after your money and that I can stand up on my own.
[quote]Give us your old jacket or shirt or jersey. We like wearing your clothes and making them our own. It shows people that we’re yours[/quote]
Yes, I am yours.

[quote]You boys say we’re complicated---but wouldn’t life be boring if we weren’t?[/quote]
I so agree.

[quote]All a girl ever wants from a guy is his effort to show her just how much he cares for her
and how much he loves her. It all boils down to that.[/quote]
It's not that hard, right? All you gotta do is love me, her and us. XD Just love us girls, and surely, we will return that love to you in no time. :cake: