[quote=lemzki666][quote=>:VON:<]hm. [b]post-hardcore[/b] ya..
*i think UNDEROATH's music style*[/quote]

it think there [b]SCREAMO[/b]!

Dude, Underoath isn't screamo..
[quote=ezil2007]haha screamo is emo-screamo
<3 emo-screamo especially RJA XD[/quote]
There is no such term as emo-screamo..
and The Red Jump suit Apparatus is not emo, nor screamo..
Emo is dead a long time ago.. and screamo isn't metal..
Here are my fav. genre..
metalcore, post-hxc, hxc, grindcore and death metal..
such as..
Cannibal Corpse..
Excrementory Grindfucker
Devil Wears Prada..