[quote=d.razcalz]hmmn..another question..can i remove this stuffs??
-member since
and make the picture,name,time/date of visit of my visitors be centered?[/quote]
Those items are controlled by the tracker.php so I doubt marfillaster will change it because it affects everyone.
You can make those text colors transparent or the same as ur background to they disappear.
[quote=* * mishOoO * *]"unregistered id" appears again .. i know the reason .. it's because my .js file didn't work for a long time .. it only worked now .. that's why i'm removed from marfi's database ..

anyway , is it ocei to marfi if he register me again to his database ?
hoping ..

Just try to register again using the correct userid and url to ur tracker.css file.
Last edited by bobcbar (2007-11-26 12:49:45)