• » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[b] :eh: thanks again levi... so what will i do now???? lolz... i have tracker.js , trakcer.css and tracker.txt... when you gave me that tracker.txt ive found out that the one you gave me is same code with my tracker.js so i deleted the tracker.txt.. but when i deleted it and refresh mah profile its a mess!!! lols so i rename again to tracker.js.. its back on normal but my tracker wont work anymore :( i already uploaded my tracker.txt on ripway but my tracker doubled :retard: i doubt if it'll record again.. coz the recorded ones their is the visitors on last fs updated i already check my codes on my ripway account sir levi and i found out that my tracker.js and tracker.txt have same code again.. pls recheck my codes again.... my tracker.js :arrow: http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.js my tracker.txt :arrow: http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.txt and also this is my tracker.css :crybaby: :arrow: http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.css [/b]

Last edited by fiona_rhea (2007-11-05 03:49:14)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=fiona_rhea][b] :eh: thanks again levi... so what will i do now???? lolz... i have tracker.js , trakcer.css and tracker.txt... when you gave me that tracker.txt ive found out that the one you gave me is same code with my tracker.js so i deleted the tracker.txt.. but when i deleted it and refresh mah profile its a mess!!! lols so i rename again to tracker.js.. its back on normal but my tracker wont work anymore :( i already uploaded my tracker.txt on ripway but my tracker doubled :retard: i doubt if it'll record again.. coz the recorded ones their is the visitors on last fs updated[/b][/quote] as I told you in my previous post, you have 2 links then delelete this 2nd link:[quote]<embed flashvars='js=http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker' src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/jsloader.swf' width='1' height='1' loop='0' allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal"/>[/quote] please check my post #480 Please keep only 1 tracker which is this:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.txt[/url] I think it should be ok...

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 20:30:21)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=levisornothing][quote=fiona_rhea][b] :eh: thanks again levi... so what will i do now???? lolz... i have tracker.js , trakcer.css and tracker.txt... when you gave me that tracker.txt ive found out that the one you gave me is same code with my tracker.js so i deleted the tracker.txt.. but when i deleted it and refresh mah profile its a mess!!! lols so i rename again to tracker.js.. its back on normal but my tracker wont work anymore :( i already uploaded my tracker.txt on ripway but my tracker doubled :retard: i doubt if it'll record again.. coz the recorded ones their is the visitors on last fs updated[/b][/quote] as I told you in my previous post, you have 2 links then delelete this 2nd link:[quote]<embed flashvars='js=http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker' src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/jsloader.swf' width='1' height='1' loop='0' allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal"/>[/quote] [/quote] [b] i already delete that one sir... [/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=fiona_rhea][quote=levisornothing][quote=fiona_rhea][b] :eh: thanks again levi... so what will i do now???? lolz... i have tracker.js , trakcer.css and tracker.txt... when you gave me that tracker.txt ive found out that the one you gave me is same code with my tracker.js so i deleted the tracker.txt.. but when i deleted it and refresh mah profile its a mess!!! lols so i rename again to tracker.js.. its back on normal but my tracker wont work anymore :( i already uploaded my tracker.txt on ripway but my tracker doubled :retard: i doubt if it'll record again.. coz the recorded ones their is the visitors on last fs updated[/b][/quote] as I told you in my previous post, you have 2 links then delelete this 2nd link:[quote]<embed flashvars='js=http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker' src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/jsloader.swf' width='1' height='1' loop='0' allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal"/>[/quote] [/quote] [b] i already delete that one sir... [/b][/quote] I still see the 2 link right now. if you already deleted then wit for fs to update you profile then...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[b] :eh: oh ok sir.. but my tracker doubled :paranoid: i edited my last post... up there... do i have tow ait fs to update b4 my tracker back to normal and wont be doubled again??? ahmnnn.... :redface: can i add u sir on fs :redface: [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

please add me also FS- 53811776 http://h1.ripway/chayamaprincess/tracker/tracker.css thank you in advance.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=levisornothing][quote=kia_bunso28][quote=levisornothing] I think the latest version is perfectly working fine for me... check these out: WVMv3.1.1 (04Nov07)[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/51562753[/url] WVMv3.1.1 (04Nov07)[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/19488065[/url][/quote] yes it is perfect!!! before that is how my wvm looks like. but now.. :crybaby: teach me how u made ur viewer...plz[/quote] 3 Simple Steps & there's no secret: 1) I used marfillaster WVM3.1.1 releasesd on 04 October 2007 genarator 2) I edited the tracker.css to match my theme 3) I linked my tracker.txt using this code:<">then put your add-ons one by one & check if any errors... conflicts... etc...[/quote] how did u make the marfillaster WVM3.1.1 released on 04 October 2007 generator? :rolleyes:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[b]huhuhuhu!!! really need help now guyzz!! my wvm doubles!! wat should I Do??? huhuhuhu :crybaby: please!! really need your help guyzz!![/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=~*~cute~*~][b]huhuhuhu!!! really need help now guyzz!! my wvm doubles!! wat should I Do??? huhuhuhu :crybaby: please!! really need your help guyzz!![/b][/quote] try here: [url]http://theftalk.com/t13794-Fixed-Doubled-Boxes-Fire-%5BJavaScript-Linker-Related%5D.html[/url]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=levisornothing][quote=kia_bunso28][quote=levisornothing] I think the latest version is perfectly working fine for me... check these out: WVMv3.1.1 (04Nov07)[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/51562753[/url] WVMv3.1.1 (04Nov07)[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/19488065[/url][/quote] yes it is perfect!!! before that is how my wvm looks like. but now.. :crybaby: teach me how u made ur viewer...plz[/quote] 3 Simple Steps & there's no secret: 1) I used marfillaster WVM3.1.1 releasesd on 04 October 2007 genarator 2) I edited the tracker.css to match my theme 3) I linked my tracker.txt using this code:<">then put your add-ons one by one & check if any errors... conflicts... etc...[/quote] The generator is in page 1 then just follow my 3 steps above... simple, right?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=fiona_rhea][b] :eh: oh ok sir.. but my tracker doubled :paranoid: i edited my last post... up there... do i have tow ait fs to update b4 my tracker back to normal and wont be doubled again??? ahmnnn.... :redface: can i add u sir on fs :redface: [/b][/quote] [b]OPPS... SORRY FOR DOUBLE POSTING[/b] You entered twice the code in About Me sections that why you have double boxes. See it yourself below: [quote]<img src=http://images.friendster.com/images/spacer.gif onLoaD =css=document.createElement('link');css.rel='stylesheet';css.href='http://h1.ripway.com/mstulip/hb2.css';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(css)><br /> <marquee direction="up"><br /> <center><br /> <font color="red"><b><br /> <br>`````im not dat typical girl```````<br /> <br>`````i wish i cud be a perfect girl for u```````<br /> <br>`````so i didnt have the DOubTs````<br /> <br>`````and also the hesitations``````<br /> <br>`````to show how i feel```````````<br /> <br>`````im just "ME"```````<br /> <br>`````who always makes u laugh`````<br /> <br>`````makes you cry`````````<br /> <br>`````and make you happy``````<br /> <br>`````i just wanna make u realize`````<br /> <br>`````that without "ME"```````<br /> <br>`````the PuZzLe in you```````<br /> <br>`````won't be complete anymore````<br /> <br /> </b></font><br /> <br /> [color=blue]<img style=height:0;width:0 src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onLoaD ="v=document.createElement('script');v.src='http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.txt'; navigation.appendChild(v)">[/color]</marquee><br /> </center><br /> [color=red]<img style=height:0;width:0 src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onLoaD ="v=document.createElement('script');v.src='http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker.txt'; navigation.appendChild(v)">[/color][/quote] Please edit your linker in About Me section and make only single entry... by removing the 2nd entry - the red fonts...

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 07:11:24)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

sir marfi..pls add me as well in your dartabase sir... id: 43927422 tracker.ss: http://h1.ripway.com/heinz/tracker.css thank you so much sir...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

sir marfi..pls add me as well in your dartabase sir... id: 43927422 tracker.ss: http://h1.ripway.com/heinz/tracker.css thank you so much sir... im sorry i double posted...im really sorry...i didnt mean to...

Last edited by lordheinz (2007-11-05 07:48:03)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

for you guys to easily make it work with your profile, remove first all existing codes you have, then follow the instructions carefully on how to install this widget into your profile. then, its the only time where you integrate your other js codes with tracker.js for those who still dont know WVM will work in all browsers and to those who post, please wait until i come up with a new autoadder page
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

ok sir il wait for it... =)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

i just made an ugly WVM user database manager here's the link http://mumbhaki.x10hosting.com/friendster/form/login.php for existing users w/o password, just leave the password field empty you can change your password after logging in for those who wanted to be added in the database click register for those who want to change the css link, log in, then there's a link where you can update your css link
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

I was thinking of doing that also, but js linking wouldn't be possible anymore after 2-3 more code patches. So I was thinking it would be a waste of time. :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=marfillaster]i just made an ugly WVM user database manager here's the link http://mumbhaki.x10hosting.com/friendster/form/login.php for existing users w/o password, just leave the password field empty you can change your password after logging in for those who wanted to be added in the database click register for those who want to change the css link, log in, then there's a link where you can update your css link[/quote] wow!!! it's seems like fully automized... brilliant idea!!!

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 18:57:56)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=marfillaster]i just made an ugly WVM user database manager here's the link http://mumbhaki.x10hosting.com/friendster/form/login.php for existing users w/o password, just leave the password field empty you can change your password after logging in for those who wanted to be added in the database click register for those who want to change the css link, log in, then there's a link where you can update your css link[/quote] it says this account has been suspended... :crybaby:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

^ Yeah, his account is suspended. He must at least log once every 2 weeks to x10hosting.com FORUM :D

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 20:52:14)

  • » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

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