
thanks again levi... so what will i do now???? lolz... i have tracker.js , trakcer.css and tracker.txt...
when you gave me that tracker.txt ive found out that the one you gave me is same code with my tracker.js so i deleted the tracker.txt.. but when i deleted it and refresh mah profile its a mess!!! lols so i rename again to tracker.js.. its back on normal but my tracker wont work anymore

i already uploaded my tracker.txt on ripway but my tracker doubled

i doubt if it'll record again.. coz the recorded ones their is the visitors on last fs updated[/b][/quote]
as I told you in my previous post, you have 2 links
then delelete this 2nd link:[quote]<embed flashvars='js=http://h1.ripway.com/fiona1030/tracker' src='http://h1.ripway.com/aftermath/jsloader.swf' width='1' height='1' loop='0' allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal"/>[/quote]
i already delete that one sir...
I still see the 2 link right now. if you already deleted then wit for fs to update you profile then...