[quote=espionage_nofx][quote=▼WOLViNCE▼][quote=espionage_nofx]@sir marfi....
why my WVM did not recording any visitor even if i'v tried with other account..hv u add me into ur database yet? (UID=16682294)..
it shows

try to use the updated tracker.js if the footer appears on ur wvm, i means u had been added. if marfillaster has updated tracker.php possible probs is in your tracker.js unless the FS team update again a whyl ago.

hmm..how's da updated tracker.js will look like? this is mine..
<">if this is not da updated,where cud i update it?
a lil' help plz..

the latest tracker.js (5th release)
can get here:
[quote=marfillaster]Download Source HERE
[url=http://www.bestsharing.com/files/SPxuc342990/WVMv3.1.1_marfi092507.rar.html]Download WVMv3.1.1_marfillaster.rar[/url]
[i]if your tracker is still recording "pow" images, just update the regexp of image found in tracker.js or just update tracker.js entirely[/i][/quote]
should look like this:
Last edited by levisornothing (2007-09-27 21:16:54)