• » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=monkey d. luffy][quote]How to use: 1. Make an account in ripway.com 2. Create three(3) blank text files tracker.js tracker.css external.css 3.Copy the css code and paste it in tracker.css 4.Take note of your FS ID and the direct url of tracker.css 5.Look for a database host in friendstertak.com, provide him your FS ID and tracker.css direct URL 6.Host will then give you his tracker.php direct url 7.Generate your JS codes using the direct url of your external.css and the host's tracker.php 8.Copy the generated js code and paste it in tracker.js 9.Inject your tracker.js in your FS profile[/quote] ive done step 1-4, i think what im looking for the no.5 is you,hehe :) sir Marfillaster here's my userID - 28117052 my external.css - http://h1.ripway.com/spider45/wvm3/external.css hope you'll add me too! :) :thumbsup: can i ask something?is this the way i can apply wvm on mine??i change .js to .txt.. like on how i applied .js.,hehe [quote]<img style=height:0;width:0 src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onLoaD ="v=document.createElement('script');v.src='http://h1.ripway.com/spider45/wvm3/tracker.txt '; navigation.appendChild(v)">[/quote] [/quote] yeah you right!!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

i change mine because the other one had a bug... add my second one. 23030835 http://h1.ripway.com/pawdansoi14/tracker/external.css
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

ID : 31061906 css url:http://h1.ripway.com/pingping/tracker.css
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

me to!! please add me too.. hehehe.. :D fs id-32181124 external.css- http://h1.ripway.com/aneh/external.css

Last edited by ~*~cute~*~ (2007-11-03 06:43:13)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

this is cool addon. i'll try this on my profile :D , thank you for the share mr. genius. :eh:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

addbox fixed fixed tracker.txt: [quote]//this will serve as your external js also (Released By Marfillaster on 01 October 2007 fixed by me - internalized iframe - no iframe code needed ) //force login if(pageViewerID==""){ alert("Please log in your Friendster account to view my page!"); top.location.href="http://www.friendster.com/login.php?next=%2fuser.php%3fuid%3D"+pageOwnerID+"&cookie=1"; } //css injection // change link to your external css extention optional var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.href = "your external css link here"; css.media = "screen, print"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); //onload handler function onProfileLoad() { //insert generated boxes here //insert tracker box at the end of sidebar column addBox("commonbox",pageOwnerFName+"'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker","right"); } /*TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { //iframe css style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '300px', height: '515px', border: '0px' }, //iframe attributes attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "your tracker.php link here", display: 4, //rows per page /*do not edit below this line*/ /* WVMv3.1.1 by marfillaster, (c) 2007 www.friendster.com/mumbhaki credits: feruzz, friendstertalk.com, www.friendster.com licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Disclaimer: NO GUARANTEE and WARRANTY provided! For educational purposes only. Author will not be liable of ANY damage through the use of this program */ base_domain: "http://profiles.friendster.com",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "wvmtemp", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200\x22><a[\S\s]*?img src="([\S\s]*?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*?male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*?),/i, status: /male, [\d]*?, ([\S\s]*?)<\/span>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]*?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]*?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].innerHTML+="<iframe id=\""+this.iframeid+"\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\"></iframe>"; var d= new Date(); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="os="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&owner="+pageOwnerID+"&num="+this.display; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in this.style) { sty += val +":"+ this.style[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=controlpanel_1_1",true,null, "TRACKER.parseDETAILS",null); }, parseDETAILS: function(htm) { if(htm.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"")=="") {this.error("Empty xmlresponse! Unable to parse your details!");return;} else { for (val in this.details) { try { this.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(this.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { this.details[val]=""; } } if(!this.details.photo) {this.error("Unable to parse primary photo! Invalid xmlresponse or incorrect photo regexp.");return;} this.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&img="+this.details.photo+"&gen="+this.details.gender+"&age="+this.details.age+"&stat="+this.details.status+"&loc="+this.details.location+"&seek="+this.details.seek+"&since="+this.details.since; document.getElementById(this.iframeid).src=this.phplink+this.param; } }, error: function(e) { alert("WVM ERROR: "+e+" Tracker will not update."); } }; /*END TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; TRACKER.init(); /*MISC FUNCTIONS*/ function addBox (type,head,code,id,siblingafter) { /* type: 'standalonebox' - w/o header ex. ads, meettrail 'commonbox' - w/ header ex. controlpanel, friends head: html string title null - no header bar code: html string content id: unique string css pointer siblingafter: regexp classname 'left' - mainbar column end 'right' - sidebar column end */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(head) head="<h2>"+head+"</h2>"; li.innerHTML="<div id=\""+id+"\" class=\""+type+" "+id+"\">"+ head+ "<div id=\"content_"+id+"\">"+ code+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(siblingafter=="left") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else if(siblingafter=="right") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?friends/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else { var si=getElementsByClass(siblingafter,null,"DIV")[0]; si.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(li,si.parentNode); } } function processAjaxRequest(type,url,cont,param,handler,handlerparam) { //by marfillaster if(handlerparam) handlerparam=","+handlerparam; else handlerparam=""; var httprequest= window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); if(handler) eval("httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){if (httprequest.readyState==4) {"+handler+"(httprequest.responseText"+handlerparam+");}}"); httprequest.open( type, url, cont); if(type=="POST") { httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } httprequest.send(param); } function invert(x) { if(x>0) return parseInt("-"+x); else if(x<0) { x=x+""; return parseInt(x.substr(1,x.length-1)); } return 0; } function randOrd(){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); } function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp(searchClass); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } /*END MISC FUNCTIONS*/ //other codes goes here[/quote]
* * mishOoO * *
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

me too sir ! id = 9557635 css = http://h1.ripway.com/chavoom/tracker.css tnx ! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

sir me too ! id = 4292264 css = http://h1.ripway.com/rhodemar/WVM3/tracker.css thank you SIR! :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

hi.. please add me too to ur data base thanks.. here it is: ID: 19272511 URL OF CSS [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/wvm/tracker.css[/url] thnx again!! =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

i got it to work..thanx marfillaster for the database sharing! :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=aikz]i got it to work..thanx marfillaster for the database sharing! :D[/quote] good job! :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

mine too please :thumbsup: userID: 10834759 tracker CSS: http://h1.ripway.com/chinitaice/marfwvm/tracker.css Thanks :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

bro, mine bro : FS ID = [b]14403184[/b] [url]http://h1.ripway.com/andries/marfi/tracker.css[/url] thanks b4

Last edited by underiez (2007-11-03 21:24:43)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

hi sir Marfi my ID is [b]36081722[/b] my tracker.css is http://h1.ripway.com/damnallripper/tracker.css
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

pls. also add me... my id : 40981631 url: http://h1.ripway.com/kazam070/tracker.css thanks... :D

Last edited by kazz222 (2007-11-03 22:48:38)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

my Fs id: 24264910 url: http://h1.ripway.com/cannava/coba/tracker.css thanks..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

my fs id: 4488795 css: http://h1.ripway.com/darkangel58/tracker.css thanks.....
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

sir ken please add me also in your database :eh: :arrow: my id: [b]11610748[/b] :arrow: my tracker.css link: [b]http://h1.ripway.com/frostmourne05/tracker/tracker.css[/b] [b]THANKS SIR!!![/b] :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

hi sir can you please add me too in your database fs id: 47512925 css url: http://h1.ripway.com/gengskie/trackernew/tracker.css thanks so much...
  • » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

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