[quote=monkey d. luffy][quote]How to use:
1. Make an account in ripway.com
2. Create three(3) blank text files
3.Copy the css code and paste it in tracker.css
4.Take note of your FS ID and the direct url of tracker.css
5.Look for a database host in friendstertak.com, provide him your FS ID and tracker.css direct URL
6.Host will then give you his tracker.php direct url
7.Generate your JS codes using the direct url of your external.css and the host's tracker.php
8.Copy the generated js code and paste it in tracker.js
9.Inject your tracker.js in your FS profile[/quote]
ive done step 1-4, i think what im looking for the no.5 is you,hehe

sir Marfillaster
my userID - 28117052
my external.css -
hope you'll add me too!

can i ask something?is this the way i can apply wvm on mine??i change .js to .txt..
like on how i applied .js.,hehe
[quote]<img style=height:0;width:0 src="http://images.friendster.com/images/friendster_nav_logo.png" onLoaD ="v=document.createElement('script');v.src='http://h1.ripway.com/spider45/wvm3/tracker.txt '; navigation.appendChild(v)">[/quote]
yeah you right!!!!