• » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

marfillaster pls add me too friendster id : 20696517 tracker css: http://h1.ripway.com/niceblue/tracker/tracker.css
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=kia_bunso28][quote=levisornothing][quote=kia_bunso28]ah,,,sir, please help me... it's working in my profile but the images of the visitors are too large.. i just want the normal size. so the box will not have the horizontal box... help me plz... :crybaby: here is the link 2 my profile: [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/kiaq[/url] tnx...[/quote] OMG!!! so BIG try my css & you just edit it to match your theme: <">[/quote] thanks for that but stil, doest worked... :crybaby: can u take a look at my codes? : [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/wvmbymarfi/tracker.css[/url] ^tracker.css [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/wvmbymarfi/tracker.js[/url] ^tracker.js [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/grr.txt[/url] ^my js file thanks in advNCE:)[/quote] can you off your css injection like this: [quote]//css injection // change link to your external css extention optional [b]/*[/b]var css="http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/1st.css"; try{ document.createStyleSheet(css); } catch(e){ document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen, print' href='"+css+"'>"); }[b]*/[/b][/quote] your 1st.css might be affecting your tracker... just want to see the tracker...

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 00:16:58)

* * mishOoO * *
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

yehey ! it's working na ! tnx sir [b]marfillaster[/b] ! tnx also to those who helped me , sir [b]blue_mercury[/b] & sir [b]levisornothing[/b] .. thanks ! anyway , how to change the color of the box ? :)

Last edited by * * mishOoO * * (2007-11-05 00:13:30)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=kia_bunso28][quote=levisornothing][quote=kia_bunso28]ah,,,sir, please help me... it's working in my profile but the images of the visitors are too large.. i just want the normal size. so the box will not have the horizontal box... help me plz... :crybaby: here is the link 2 my profile: [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/kiaq[/url] tnx...[/quote] OMG!!! so BIG try my css & you just edit it to match your theme: <">[/quote] thanks for that but stil, doest worked... :crybaby: can u take a look at my codes? : [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/wvmbymarfi/tracker.css[/url] ^tracker.css [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/wvmbymarfi/tracker.js[/url] ^tracker.js [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/grr.txt[/url] ^my js file thanks in advNCE:)[/quote] I do not see anything with ur codes causing it to be so large :wallbash: I tried to answer ur pm but ur inbox is full :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

^ maybe the [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/1st.css[/url] I just want to off it and see how's the effect.. can you off your css injection like this: [quote]//css injection // change link to your external css extention optional [color=blue]/*[/color]var css="http://h1.ripway.com/kinette/1st.css"; try{ document.createStyleSheet(css); } catch(e){ document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen, print' href='"+css+"'>"); }[color=blue]*/[/color][/quote]

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 00:24:14)

* * mishOoO * *
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

question ! how to change the color of the box ? :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[b]@levis[/b] ok...i will off my css injection... =) [b]@bob:[/b] u can reply to my pms now :D im sorry if my inbox were full..
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=* * mishOoO * *]question ! how to change the color of the box ? :)[/quote] try 2 modify ur [b] TRACKER.CSS [/b].. :) [align=center][color=red] OOPPSS.....SORRY FOR DOUBLE POSTING :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [/align][/color]

Last edited by kia_bunso28 (2007-11-05 00:30:34)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=kia_bunso28][b]@levis[/b] ok...i will off my css injection... =) [b]@bob:[/b] u can reply to my pms now :D im sorry if my inbox were full..[/quote] btw, use this format: <">
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=* * mishOoO * *]question ! how to change the color of the box ? :)[/quote] use this tracker.css and edit it to match your theme: <">
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=levisornothing][quote=kia_bunso28][b]@levis[/b] ok...i will off my css injection... =) [b]@bob:[/b] u can reply to my pms now :D im sorry if my inbox were full..[/quote] btw, use this format: <">[/quote] ok i will.. :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=kia_bunso28][quote=* * mishOoO * *]question ! how to change the color of the box ? :)[/quote] try 2 modify ur [b] TRACKER.CSS [/b].. :) [align=center][color=red] OOPPSS.....SORRY FOR DOUBLE POSTING :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [/align][/color][/quote] [quote=* * mishOoO * *]question ! how to change the color of the box ? :)[/quote] use this tracker.css and edit it to match your theme: <">
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

my tracker is working flawlessly already... thanks for adding me in your database sir.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

@levi..will you view my page see if the viewer is working, kia_bunso28 says it is not showing on my page:(
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[b]@ sir bob... sorry sir ive changed it coz in my browsers i didnt see my layout and my tarcker :crybaby: @ levi thanks gotta try this... :thumbsup: [/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=lordheinz]sir levi cld you pls teach me how to make my own database sir?[/quote] this one is included in the package: [quote]Requirements: 1. Web Host account with PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin (look here http://www.0php.com/free_PHP_webhosting.php for list) 2. Ripway Account INSTALLATION: I. Set up database and table - the most difficult part i think if you're new to these things. Google for guides 1. I'm not going into the details of creating your own database. I'm sure any webhost offer database creation wizard. 2. Once database is created. Open \wvm\config.php. Supply necessary information. 3. Goto MyPHPAdmin located in your webhost control panel/dasboard. Goto your newly created database.Create two tables a. TABLE name "visitors" 15 fields/columns FIELD/COLUMN DATATYPE index int auto_increment primary_key id int owner int name text ip text image text status text gender text location text since text seek text age int duration int visits int time int b. TABLE name "users" 5 fields/columns FIELD/COLUMN DATATYPE id int primary_key css text maxlimit int Default 100 visits int time int II. Upload files 1. upload \wvm\ directory into your remote webroot (most probably your remote webroot directory is \public_html\) 2. configure \tracker\tracker.js a. Look for this line phplink: "your tracker.php link here", b. change "your tracker.php link here" with the direct url of your tracker.php 3. upload \tracker\ directory into your ripway root directory III. Make it work in your friendster profile 1. Get your friendster user ID 2. Go back to your MyphpAdmin, then insert a new record into users "table" a. put your fs ID into the 'id' field b. put your tracker.css into the 'css' field c. put your desired record limit into the 'maxlimit' field d. leave other fields untouched, then add/insert record 3. change "your tracker.js link here" from the code below <script src="your tracker.js link here"></script> 4. inject above code into friendster using techniques specified in friendstertalk.com SHARE TO FRIENDS Your friends don't need to setup another database. All they need is a ripway account and let them upload \tracker\ into their root directory. Their tracker.php link must be the same as yours. Then do part III-2 but insert their fs ID, tracker.css link and maxlimit instead. Share to as many as you can.[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=fiona_rhea][b]@ sir bob... sorry sir ive changed it coz in my browsers i didnt see my layout and my tarcker :crybaby: @ levi thanks gotta try this... :thumbsup: [/b][/quote] No problem but whats is crazy it is the same viewer I used :P
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=bobcbar]@levi..will you view my page see if the viewer is working, kia_bunso28 says it is not showing on my page:([/quote] OPPS it's there but not loading this injection will no work in FF: <">use this: <">

Last edited by levisornothing (2007-11-05 00:59:22)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

:| [b] sir levi[/b] hi.. so, have u seen my profile? the images are too large still.. don't know what 2 do... :wallbash: :crybaby:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

[quote=levisornothing][quote=bobcbar]@levi..will you view my page see if the viewer is working, kia_bunso28 says it is not showing on my page:([/quote] OPPS it's there but not loading[/quote] :wallbash: :wallbash: this is crazy I am looking at the viewer on my page, the code is still on my ripway account also.
  • » [quote]I restructured much of wvm codebase and database, this will be 3.2.0 version, still in beta stage, just replace the old tracker linker wih the new one below[/quote] new tracker.php link [b]http

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