» i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
nice idea.., yah me too.!! if ever this suggestion will be implemented..!!
i want to join.., ..,
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
[quote=blurrycloud]@shirow and ezil can i join your clan if this suggestion will be implemented?.. [/quote]
sure why not all are invited
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ really
can i join? I hope,,this suggestion will be implemented!
Respectfully Yours,
[b]Anti-Nigga Clan[/b] [/align]
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
oops. is that allowed?
- - -
i just hope admin can find plug-ins or any way to implement this.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ hope this will be implemented soon can't wait anymore
btw that nigga guy has made the biggest flaw ever he did in this forum he made 3 spamming accounts to spam in ftalk lol now he was subjected to be banned
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ he's banned now there have been traces of the same IP.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
Poor Nigga Most people here demand to upset him! Well I don't have any info about him?!
Topic: This is old topic, I wonder why there is no action on this one?!
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
[quote=ReversEdge]Poor Nigga Most people here demand to upset him! Well I don't have any info about him?!
Topic: This is old topic, I wonder why there is no action on this one?![/quote]
this is not an easy one. admin replied here, he's still looking for some plug-ins if there are available. Also, he's trying to work out on how to implement this.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
nice suggestion to the thread---
@thread starter: so you want a bonding? well try to be nice or be bond to the wall???
well? to mods: bias, banned me 4 all I care
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ what's with the comment? have we done anything bad to you?
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ooohh.. some members are really harsh to the mods.. dont know why they hate mods that much...
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
[quote=dark_shrek]nice suggestion to the thread---
@thread starter: so you want a bonding? well try to be nice or be bond to the wall???
well? to mods: bias, banned me 4 all I care [/quote]
i don't know whats your problem if you can't say anything good here then just STFU!!!
Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-01-11 10:24:53)
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
[quote=dark_shrek]nice suggestion to the thread---
@thread starter: so you want a bonding? well try to be nice or be bond to the wall???
well? to mods: bias, banned me 4 all I care [/quote]
watch what you're posting there dude. no one in this thread flamed you as far as i can see, i even scanned the whole thread so what's the point of raging there?
we're biased? give some proof. refrain from such acts.
@shirow, be gentle with the words.
- - -
ok back to topic
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
^ sorry for that ate meng i trying my best to control my temper well anyway before this topic goes somewhere else i guess this nonsense arguing should be stop asap
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
@dark_shrek if you have some complains, pm the mods or admin
enough of the off-topic. if you still have further inquiries, use the PM feature. not this thread.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
sorry bout my post. there MR. SIROW MASAMUNE are you happy now?
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
This is getting off-topic
Anyway, admin has been absent again for a week already.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
Wahaha.. Shirow you've been cursed.. xD
time for an action here..
@dark_shrek No need for a nice suggestion blablablah.. admin said it will not be implemented.
Its not a good reply either.
Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator
yah!! ahahaha shirow??? what rules did you not abide these days??
but judging from the reply of admin i think its impossible.. for now..
» i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid:
hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator