• » i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

Pages: 11234

i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

strange.. why i have no sig on my reply..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

[b]-offtopic-[/b] ^^ yeah i also noticed that about some of my posts in other threads too. I think it's not so important. Your siggy will still be there in some posts :D :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

what's the purpose in making this?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

:arrow: ^ what's the purpose of the first post if you won't read?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

oh' really??? i'm thew one who'd spam the forum ey?, shirrow said that i made three spamming accounts, well why was marrie anne was not there? :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: marrie anne and me use the same IP and Same Computer, why all of you put the blame on me? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: I'm already afraid on joining this forum. Admin already implented the anti-nigga clans. :redface: :redface: :redface: . if i just stick with my PC this won't happen. but it happen then when i visited Internet cafe's near at me... i wished that time i never did that.. huhu... no because everyone blamed that i was the spammer, everyone hates me [s][b]nadumihan ang pangalan ko[/b][/s]. bye for now.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

:arrow: @ezil&shakiro: i also dont have sig in the previos page, as well as the other members who posted. >_< - nigga is back eh? try not to do what you did before. =|
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

what did the hell did i did!!!??????????????? :evil: i was not the spammer trish. i quit now right no,,, when it was the start i registered from this forum every body hates me and i don't know whyy do the hate my username nigga...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

We do not hate you nigga... for the info I did not banned your old account. I know we can all change... so I did not ban you so please avoid flamming now. I don't mind if you put all your insult at me through PM tell me who you hate and who you abhor... just make sure the grammar and spelling are correct. =) [b]For the info all members didn't hate you when you registered[/b], only one member started the flam against you, but when you retaliated to his reply you included the whole forum in your answers and commited some wrong actions like spamming (I can prove it) so don't say you didn't have done anything. For the info I am strict now so I won't let you or any flammers pass. :evil: read my [b]avatar[/b]...

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-01-12 09:54:35)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

:o this is getting off topic and flamy again.. nigga.. for your sake.. i suggest not to bring up the issues about you spamming or not... and you fighting with others bla bla bla.. everyones trying to move on.. others got warned because of the fight... im not saying that you were the reason for this but everything's ok now so can you please shushh with what happened before? =| ephe has again given you the chance so reboot yourself and try making friends with your enemies or prove what you have or better yet IGNORE.. =) and i guess your in a wrong topic too if you only bring up that. :| @topic: i kinda like the group thingy.. :D but i suggest leaders of each group must be voted for.. =)

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-01-12 12:13:14)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

[align=center][b][color=deepink]i donk know :crybaby:[/color] [/b][/align]
» FTalkManiac

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

[quote=חigga]I'm already afraid on joining this forum. Admin already implented the anti-nigga clans. :redface: :redface: :redface: .[/quote] what do you mean I already implemented anti-nigga clan???
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

ok,,, my old account please I'm begging all mods. Please clear, delete and erase everything on my USER CP! like my avatar, signiture, user caption, friendster profile, E-mail, Location and everything right there... this procedure will cool my head :) . if you can't... unban my first account and i will do something on my user cp and ban me again if you want :| . and i was not the spammer,,, in the first please i don't know how to scroll a text. i think it's [marquee]...[/marquee] @admin correction i was wrong... i might said you said that cause you hate me also. @ephe oh they really hate me a lot of members hate because of my username. blurrycloud, aidenlive, mherylicious, podo, shirow masamune, john_619619, ezil2007, ▼WOLViNCE▼, tah26gel, kamandag, sunny pig and many many more look at my reputations on my old account... they are all spams!!!... :evil: :evil: :evil: even if their are positive or negative. how could you explain that??? that all members here likes me... If that anti-nigga clans happen... let me guess how many friendster geeks will fit there...

Last edited by חigga (2008-01-12 19:13:40)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

^ please shut up!!! then cause that is too offtopic i hope you've learn your lesson before i thought they banned your IP oooh geez *you been banned before and it can happen again and you know that so do something stupid again haven't you read the freakin title its suggesting for a clan or group to be happen here read it carefully again dumb@ss its not about your sensless and stupid complains about your shit reputations and other stuff and as far i can see you are now disrespecting my topic you know to your self that posting some replies that aren't related to the topic is consider as a shit spam please stop posting your complains here just pm the mods for pete sake cause this topic is going somewhere else settled it outside here not in my topic lol i was forced to reply in a offtopic here because of your shitness replies cause u are starting again an nonsense issue here :wasted:

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-01-18 06:54:23)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

Let me get this straight... On the comments on reputation I don't mind their reason that much... All I want is the the primary reason... Example: one of your reputation on your old account is a -1 and the reason is... and it has a lame reason... I saw your + repu's as well... that has a lame reason? What will happen now? And now this... you want to start a flam again on another topic. that doesn't belong to you.... If you have complaints or traits you want to change here in the forum please make your own thread in Underground Section. So I can moderate it and break unnecessary arguments... nigga about my avatar it has a reason... [img]http://theftalk.com/img/avatars/654.gif[/img] I'll consider your post as spam because you disrespectfully change the topic again... Maybe this is the reason why some members abhor you right? Changing topic constantly and spamming did you putted your mind into that fact... So you're in [b]My Long Reply[/b] part of my avatar The only two left are Cursed and Banned so please post wisely and make a topic on Underground section. If you reply to this in a rude manner again... you know what's next...

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-01-12 20:21:47)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

you said your not spamming? since you start posting here you dumb, the following posts go out of topic because your in a wrong thread. why i call you idiot? because your really a bulls**t but looks like a whale s**t for you are being proud calling your self a ripper. you know how rippers hated here? everyone here work hard for their profile, loves the forum for they learn how to code and apply their creativity but you dick head all you do is RIP and your are proud of it. your a s**t poser. and you even flood at chatbox showing off you now how to use the [flash] bbcode. your an idiot acting you know something eventhough you know nothing... you rip someones proifile, and insult your victim in pms, whoaa.. what a gay way of showing off who you really are. ftalkt won't die if your gone dumb. everyone here will live happily ever after you leave and i'm sure about it. GET LOST POSER!

Last edited by Kamandag (2008-01-12 20:47:30)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

Kamandag that's enough for now... Let's wait for his reply... Also please edit your post =| and removed the s word that isn't converted into this a smile icon. :penguin:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

i 2nd the motion =|
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

edit: nvm.

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-01-18 19:06:46)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

requested to be close my suggestion is granted after 1232131099.1309 years =D lulz [url=http://theftalk.com/egroups]Proof of purchase[/url]
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

[b]Closed.[/b] [url=http://i25.tinypic.com/2j2ckn7.jpg]OWNAGE[/url]. Suggestion Granted. Thanks admin.
  • » i dont know if this suggestion was suggested before :paranoid: hahah i was thinking of having or creating a group or a clan here in ftalk my suggestion is this in order to create a group the creator

Pages: 11234

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