» Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
thanks for filling this page Up!
Indonesians are so Hospitable Great & Kind! 5 Thumbs Up to you guys!
Hope to chat you soon!
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
ikutan omss dan tante..
id aq oms..
di add yah!...
kabur lagi ach!...
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
[url][b]aqu_nuti [/b][/url]
add yah.
biar ikut tenar,,,
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
jg ni buat tmbah teman baru...........
kalo di add
dapat hadiah special
add ya
zeta tunggu oke........
kabur dulu ah.........
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Jangan mau add ym yang di atas saya ini..
banyak virusnya...
kidding kok,,,
aye ikutan juge ye,,
ni ymnye aye : [b]toni_catari2000[/b]
jangan lupe di edd ye,,,
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
[align=center][i]ikutaaan ahhhhh [/i]
[b] YM gw Nee : mikaeru_5577 [/b]
kalau di ADD ta trak teer dee.... :gift::gift:
TA Tungguu yaaa[/align]
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
iktan juga ahh..
omzz tante add ym aq ya..:
kaburr lagi ahh:penguin:
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
langsung aja add me..
di jamin masuk surga dunia..
wa a a a
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
oooiiii !!!
gua ikutan woii!!!
brb kejer
YM gua di add oi [i]f1kri_potter[/i]
thanks yang mau nge-add nya
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
gua [b]Dewi kunthi[/b]
YM aku [b]kuntilanakjelita[/b]
add yah...
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
Re: Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines
dont forget bwat d add yagh all
» Hi Indonesians...im karuro from philippines...
i just want to have plenty of foreign friends,
especially those neighboring country
you know guys...im from the southerpart of the philippines