ADDITIONAL INFO...... Change your Windows XP theme to look like Vista using MSStyles (no shell-packs) Plus you don't need to download any software to do it either (so your computer won't get messed up!). You can do it all by yourself and when you are done it is surely going to look like Windows Vista.
sample screenshot ...
[u][b]1) Changing the XP theme[/b][/u]
[u]First make sure that you have patched up your uxtheme.dll file.[/u]
1. Okay first you need to find out which Service Pack you are running. To do this simple press the Windows flag key+Pause/Break key. This is going to open the system properties window. Here it is going to say which service pack you are running
2. Now you have some downloading to do.
First get: The appropriate Uxtheme.dll file
If you are running Service Pack 1 then get [url=]this file[/url].
If you are running Service Pack 2 then get [url=]this file[/url].
3. Unzip the file to your desktop
4. Now you need to download the [url=]Replacer[/url](I recommend getting a stable version). The replacer efficiently replaces your system files and is supposed to be completely safe. This program also backs up your file in case you need to revert the changes.
5. Unzip the Replacer to your desktop. Make sure you read the "readme" because it has some important tips on how to revert those changes that you made.
Now you are ready to replace your uxtheme.dll file
1. Now double click on the replacer file (replacer.cmd)
2. Then it will ask you to drag and drop the original system file you want to replace. So go to the System32 folder and somewhere near the bottom you are going to see the [b]uxtheme.dll[/b] file. Drag and drop it into the window.
Note: your computer may have more than 1 uxtheme.dll file but usually the file that you computer is using is the one in the system32 folder. (usually the location for your Uxtheme.dll file is C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll)
3. Press Enter
4. Then it will ask you to drag the file you want to replace. Open the folder with the downloaded file and drag and drop the file into replacer.
5. Now it will ask you to confirm that you want to replace the files or not. So double check and then press enter.
Replacer will now swap your original file with the new one. Now restart your computer.
Congratulations you can now use custom msstyle themes on your computer. Which is going to make your computer look super cool! There are many msstyles themes out there that look like vista/longhorn. I suggest to go to [url=]this link[/url] for some themes. You can also find more themes in So... go ahead and download it.
Then unzip or copy it to [b]C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes[/b]
All right now you can change your computers theme to the Vista theme you chose.
[u][b]2) Changing the Wallpaper [/b][/u]
There are lots of Vista wall papers available... you may just use the power of []google[/url] for that..

[u][b]3) Changing the cursor[/b][/u]
You can download the aero cursor pack [url=]over here[/url]. Just read the read me file supplied and enjoy.
[u][b]4) Getting Vista-ish applications[/b][/u]
[u]Get the TopDesk application.[/u]
TopDesk is a quick and easy way to switch between applications. With a single key press, you can instantly view thumbnails of all open windows, display thumbnails of windows belonging to the current application, or hide all windows to quickly access the desktop. Get it or read more about it [url=]here[/url]. Unfortunately this is onli a trial version... i got mine from w/c uses torrents for downloading... if u can find a full version of it, better. If u find it hard looking for the full version.... jaz pm me in my ym (tikboy_86)

and i would gladly send the file to u... YOU CAN ALSO ASK


for the TopDesk coz i olredi gave her a copy of it (if im offline in ym)
sample screenshot...
[u]Get the LClock application[/u]
LClock is a very simple program that makes the Windows' clock look like a Windows Longhorn Clock. Get it or read more about it [url=]here[/url].
sample screenshot...
[u](optional) for Firefox users[/u]
get some vistaic firefox theme... [url=]heres[/url] the one im using.
sample screenshot...
credits goes to and
from the screenshots... i also use some objects and widgets using some stardock applications..
those are optional coz ull be needing softwares that aren't free... (but i got mine for free.. downloaded from feel free to learn more [url=]here[/url]..
Last edited by tikboyoyoy (2007-03-28 14:03:33)