[quote=honey_jx2]here's the link...
This addbox is not correct. You used right side and "1", if you want the code on the right side change it to "14" if you want it above your photo gallery change "right" to :left".
[quote]var code="<embed src=\"http://apps.rockyou.com/fxtext.swf?ID=16946192&nopanel=true&stage=true\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" width=\"550\" height=\"97.0125\" wmode=\"transparent\" name=\"rockyou\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowScriptAccess=\"never\" allownetworking=\"internal\"/>";
addBox("RIGHT","Add -Jam-",code,"div_397","1");[/quote]
With all the slideshows and widgets ur profile will load slow also.
Last edited by bobcbar (2008-01-17 16:12:44)