If you saw my profile and wonderin why it's a Wan Cowum Pwofayl.. Just read this thread.. LOL

[b]CAUTION:[/b] Needs understanding on how functions work

This is not just a copy paste code it needs your analysis of how the code works.

This script will make your Friendster Profile Boxes in One Column

[b]The function codes work like this:[/b]
<">I created 2 functions called [b]centerBox[/b] and [b]fixBox[/b]

How does it work??
The [b]fixBox[/b] function is used just to push your Left Side Boxes to the Center

While the [b]centerBox[/b] is used to bring the Right Side Boxes to the Center as well..
But you can set where you want the box to appear..

If you have the complete friendster boxes.. Most Likely You'll end up with having Cpanel, Photos, Blogs, Reviews, AboutMe, Comments and Scrapbook for the Left Side Boxes..
Then Meettrail, Friends, Fanof and Groups for the Right Side Boxes.. (You need to hide the ads though)
First we need to configure the Left Sideboxes using the fixBox function.
This code below will put your LEFT Side Boxes to the Center..
<">After that, you can now transfer your Right side boxes to the center using the [b]centerBox[/b] function..
<">If you use the addBox function.. There is a simple trick so that it will also move to the center..

First get your box id.. for example: [b]custombox_69[/b]
Adjust it using CSS.


If you don't know what I'm talking about.. Just view this [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/xavierkym83]Preview[/url].
[quote][b]Browser Compatible:[/b] IExplorer6+ , FireFox2+, Opera 8+
[b]Screen Resolution:[/b] Best in 1024 X 768 or 1280 X 1024[/quote]
Last edited by xavierkym (2008-01-21 14:19:47)