edit [b]friends[/b]/i , where you want it to appear.I don't think you need to edit the position as you put the sibling will follow.As quoted below it's for fs boxes.
[quote]This script will make your Friendster Profile Boxes in One Column[/quote]
[b]example if you want it to appear below media box:Just the bold part needs editing.[/b]
[quote]addNewBox.init("Visitors Info","<div id=\""+seeboks+"\" align=\"center\">"+WVMCBOX.div+"</div>","wvmcbox",/[b]scrapbook/i,"below");[/b][/quote]
thanks for finally sharing the code.

thanks for the reply but the box doesn't follow

[quote=xavierkym]If you use the addBox function.. There is a simple trick so that it will also move to the center..

First get your box id.. for example: [b]custombox_69[/b]
Adjust it using CSS.



tenx xavierkym

now i know!!

[quote]addNewBox.init("Visitors Info","<div id=\""+seeboks+"\" align=\"center\">"+WVMCBOX.div+"</div>","[color=red][b]wvmcbox[/b][/color]",/[b]scrapbook/i,"below");[/b][/quote]
[quote][b][color=red]#wvmcbox[/color][/b] {
position: relative;
left: 160px!important;
overflow: auto;
width: 490px
