this will override your navigations in the nav area and it will become a scrolling navigations

ive manage to do an a OOP scripting

im starting to love this kind of scripting

Paste This Code Or Compile it With your js files[/b]
<">And For The CSS
#mainnav a {
font-family : '[b]Comic Sans MS[/b]' ! important;
border : none !important;
color : [b]#ffffff[/b] !important;
background-color : transparent ! important;}
#mainnav a:hover {
font-family : '[b]Comic Sans Ms[/b]' ! important;
border : none;
text-decoration : none;
background-color : transparent ! important;
color : [b]#ccffff[/b] ! important;}[/quote]
You Can now edit and change the font and color of it well its up to you what will be its color and font style
MSIE+ And FF compatible

Take Note*
*Don't [b]HIDE!![/b]your navigation area or else you won't see the trick

* i also included the sub navigations(Help Settings Log out etc...) there so if you want to hide your subnav then use this it is much recommended

<">just put it in ur css files

PREVIEW: []Click Here!![/url]
02,16,08 - Added CSS Values
01,20,08 - Script Released On Public[/quote]
Happy Tweaking
Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-06-20 04:12:39)