• » back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

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back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report to you fellow Mods, since this was really a part of our plan.. :arrow: Last Feb 18, 2007, ateh meng sent me a PM. it contained some screenshots. here are they: 1) summary of eL's reputations.. notice the names, date of submission and all the details. [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_repu.jpg[/url] 2) user cp of EL. look at the ip. [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_el.jpg[/url] 3) user cp of ompong. [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_ompong.jpg[/url] 4) user cp of twizzy [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_twizzy.jpg[/url] 5) user cp of joseph10 [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_joseph.jpg[/url] 6) user cp ni ronaldpo [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_ronaldpo.jpg[/url] 7) i.p addresses that are the ones used by eL. [url]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p16/o17layoutz2/ftalk/el_ipstats.jpg[/url] :arrow: Here was my reply: ok. ill discuss every info i got from those users one by one: 1st user: [b]ronaldpo[/b] - registered: 02-15-2007 ( <-- according to eL's ip stats, they had the same IP with ronaldpo on that date. - never introduced himself, never posted anything - added rep on: 02-16-2007 - friendster account (based on emailadd): http://www.friendster.com/19686045 - i couldnt find any useful info on his friendster profile. he seems to have no relation to eL at all. but i just noted his location (pampanga) and last log-in (3 days ago -- which means that was on 02-15-2007, the same day he joined FTalk). that myt be useful.. 2nd user: [b]joseph10[/b] - registered: 02-16-2007 ( <-- same IP with ronaldpo. - only posted once. - added rep on: 02-16-2007 <-- the same day he joined FTalk. - friendster account (based on email): http://www.friendster.com/24161331. - they are friends with eL's account. last log-in was 3 days ago. 3rd user: [b]twizzy[/b] - registered: 02-16-2007 ( <-- same IP with eL on that date. - never posted anything - added rep on: 02-16-2007 <-- the same day he registered in FTalk - friendster account (based on email): http://www.friendster.com/25163444 - they are friends with eL and ompong. his location: pampanga (same with ronaldpo) 4th user: [b]ompong[/b] - registered: 02-18-2007 ( <-- same IP with eL on that date. - never posted anything - added rep on: 02-18-2007 <-- the same day he registered in FTalk - friendster account (based on email): http://www.friendster.com/29839425 - they are friends with eL and twizzy. his location: pampanga (same with twizzy and ronaldpo) the main user: [b]eL[/b] - registered: 10-14-2007 ( <-- quite near to the IP's of the other users. also, based on his ip stats, he's been using that same IP address more than he uses the other IP's. - friendster account (based on email): when i searched for his account in friendster using his emailadd (el_yhakabhud@yahoo.com), the search returned zero results. but i was able to find his 'other' account: http://www.friendster.com/owhgee. its a private profile so i cant access all his infos. but i noted his location: pampanga (same with ronaldpo, twizzy, and ompong) [b]My Analysis/Conclusion:[/b] ronaldpo has no clear relation to eL. the only similarity they have is their IP address and their location. they are both from pampanga. my theory is that, ronaldpo myt have used a computer on a cafe, but was not able to properly log-out his ftalk account. so when it was eL's turn on the PC, he might have used ronaldpo's account to get himself a +1 rep. joseph10's relation to eL is also not that clear, but then there is a big chance that they are real life friends (not just friendster friends), so eL might have told joseph10 to create an account i FTalk and give him (eL) a +1 rep. this incident might have happened about minutes after ronaldpo had given the +1 rep, because ronaldpo and joseph10 were created on the same day wth the same IP. the same method might have been used by twizzy and ompong. they are friends with eL, and had the same IP with eL when they joined FTalk. so eL might also had told twizzy and ompong to give him the +1 rep on the same day twizzy and ompong had joined FTalk. there, everything is so obvious. though the evidences and proofs were not that strong, i say that eL is guilty of illegally boosting his reputation using fake accounts or by collaborating and conspiring illegally with others. --end of report-- there you go. after we made this report, ateh meng and i were discussing on how to deal with this issue. so we come up with an idea that we should let the other Mods as well as Sir Admin to know about this. so we thought we could just post the report here on the BackStage area, but then i wasnt still a Mod at that time, so ill not be able to join the discussions on that section. to other Mods, sorry guys we havent informed you about this. we just didnt know at first on how to open up this issue. actually, when ateh meng and i first started as 'partners' on this case, there was a total of 3 cases we were investigating. cases which were similar to this one. those cases had caught my interest and attention. this is my favorite forum, i wouldnt let unfair members do their tricks here. so after thinkin about it for quite a while, i decided to file an application to Admin for my Modship. cuz if i will be given the Mod rights, i will be able to get more information of other members (like the IPs for example) and will be able to know who's been doing 'dirty' stuffs in the forum and also i will be able to get myself inside the BackStage area to be able to discuss our reports with other Mods (and im greatful to Sir Admin that he approved my application. thank you Sir :D). so here it is, im sharing our report. the other cases im talking about will be posted later on... and by the way, this issue is somehow related to what's being been talked about in this thread: http://theftalk.com/t2114-Double-accounts.html

Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-03-12 13:25:52)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Wow.. what a detailed and comprehensive report Charles! :D:thumbsup: Since FTalk has been a round for some time now, Active members tend to get higher reputations, because of their works in the forum. I guess this puts pressure on other members, wanting to get the same status. I think we should really revise/update our RULES, And include that FriendsterTalk forbids members to cheat on reputation. And INFORM them that if they DO CHEAT, the fraud is visible to us mods/admin. That way, at least they will re-think of taking any action in the 1st place. That's just one little solution I can think of... Maybe you guys have better ideas, what do you guys think?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Do good and it come backs to you do bad and it comes back to haunt you! wahaha! :eh:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

[quote=Padme]I think we should really revise/update our RULES, And include that FriendsterTalk forbids members to cheat on reputation. And INFORM them that if they DO CHEAT, the fraud is visible to us mods/admin. That way, at least they will re-think of taking any action in the 1st place. That's just one little solution I can think of... Maybe you guys have better ideas, what do you guys think?[/quote] yah that's also what i had in mind. we should revise or update the forum rules. lately there have been a lot of rule breakers here in FTalk, who just dont bother to read and understand the rules or just plainly ignore it to get attention. :disgust: some members just dont know that their little tricks can be found out by the forum staff. ill try to write an updated Global Forum Rules and Guidelines. i think ill get it done after a couple of days or so, since im really kind of busy for some school works. but of course ill submit it to Sir Admin first for approval. anyway.. when im around in FTalk ill continue sniffing some stuffs around. there might be other cases which also needs to be attented to.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

I think our forum should update the IP restriction thingy, like same IP's can't give reputation to one another and also I suggest this. *A requirement of post is required before you can add or subtract a repu :eh:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

:arrow: [b] :o kuya..now that's a big WOW.. i haven't thought you'd let it out so soon. admin told me that warnings can be given to the person involved, though i doubt it would make them stop. we mods can even reset the repu status of a certain member yet in doing so, it might be again the way they will do the tricks again. if ever we'll give a punishment for this, maybe it is better to give something that would have a big impact to them.[/b] :paranoid:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

@ephe: yes, i have thought of that too--having a requirement for a certain number of posts before members can add or subtract a reputation point. its also a good idea to strictly inforce the reputation point addition and subtraction. a + or - repu from other members with a not worthy reason (like begging for +repu's in exchange for a +repu to another member for example) will be deleted, since we have the right to reset reputation points. however, any Mod found to be abusing this power should be punished as well. @meng: well, i had no choice ateh, we have to let others know about this. dont worry, i wont post the other case yet (u know what i mean). ill wait for a good timing.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

:arrow: [b]yeah. that ultimate case might be the biggest shock in ftalk's history :lol: lol and bout kuya eph, i agree that there must be a required number of post or user activity before using the feature.[/b]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

That was a good suggestion by Ephe.. =) I hope admin can approve that, and hope it's doable in FTalk PunBB Forum. What's been happening at FTalk lately is a big challenge to us all. :wasted: People are getting naughtier as FTalk gains popularity.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Uhmm.. I'm a member of this foum : otakuzine-mag.com and, I'm gonna copy their rules.. kindly read some familiar ones and those should be implemented here. [quote]Fellow Otakus, Thank you for joining the Otakuzine Anime Magazine Messageboard. The following is the list of rules and guidelines of the board. Please read them before posting. All questions must be directed to the "Questions" thread located in the Suggestions and Questions forum under the Old School Thread category. 1. Please avoid the following: *Spamming, Flooding and Off-Topic Posting *Flaming, Member Harassment, Use of Profanities *Useless/Racist/Biased/Hate Topics *Powerposting/Chatting within topics/threads unless otherwise allowed *Double-posting/Consecutive Posting [b]*Creating multiple accounts[/b] [b]2. One (1) negative reputation per violation will be issued to members who are caught commiting any of the above. Members with five (5) negative reputations will automatically be banned from the forum for one (1) week.[/b] 3. Negative reputations may be updated by the moderators who issued them. Members who will receive one (1) negative reputation will be put under probation for a period of two (2) weeks. If his/her number of negative reputation does not increase within the specified period, moderators may update the negative reputation to a neutral reputation. (This way, warning messages are retained but negative reps are decreased). 4. Otakuzine Anime Magazine Messageboard is an English-Filipino forum. Therefore, posts and topics must be in those languages. 5. In starting new topics, make sure of the following: * A similar thread does not exist anywhere. If another thread already exist, replies will be divided and the topic will be less effective/informative. This will also result in a very cluttered section. * Use an appropriate title. There will be more replies if you use the proper title (or subject). Additionally, those who are not interested in your subject won't be inconvenienced. *Be detailed and precise in your message. Failure to do so will only result in follow-up questions or wrong replies caused by mis-interpretations. 6. Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look at other topics and see where your topic should go. If your topic is placed in the wrong forum, it will be moved by a moderator. The same rule holds for individual posts. If a posts is found to be off-topic it will be deleted without warning by our moderators so post wisely. [b]7. Locked/Closed topics will be moved to the Recycle Bin after 3 days or immediately depending on the nature of the topic.[/b] 8. Direct-linking to sites with contents that infringes upon any rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks) is not allowed. 9. Hotlinking of images and posting images/pictures without permission or credit to the original owner will not be tolerated. 10. Avatars (preferably) should be no larger than 15kb; in JPG or GIF format. Maximum size is 100x100 pixels. The image/images depicted in the avatar must also have a GP rating. 11. Picture signatures (preferably) should be no larger than 100kb; in JPG or GIF format. Maximum size is 500x250 pixels. The image/images depicted in the signature must also have a GP rating. 11. When posting images within a topic/thread, it is recommended to put the URL of these images instead of attaching files or using image tags if these images are larger than 15kb or 400x200 pixels. [b]12. Forum Moderators are volunteers that give up their time to help build a better messageboard. They will assist with focusing topics and enforcing guidelines. They have the ability to edit/delete posts, to move, close or delete topics, and to temporarily moderate/edit members’ posts.[/b] [b]13. Members may not argue a moderators decision publicly. Any and all complaints directed at a moderator must first address the moderator in question via PM. If the problem can not be resolved, then the moderator and user must send their positions to the forum admin. The forum admin will make or change any and/or all final decisions.[/b] [b]13. Otakuzine reserves the right to change these rules/guidelines at any time. All changes will be effective at the time they are posted.[/b] Enjoy posting![/quote] [i]credits to otakuzine-mag.com for this rules.[/i]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Any member can only add reps if he/she meets this certain conditions: • a member can reputation with someone who does not have the same IP with him. • a member who's post counts does meet the requirements (say 50 posts) to add or deduct points. • a member who is newly registered at a minimum amount of 2 weeks.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

^ yes, those are good requirements/conditions before a member could add or subtract Repu points =) [quote=`mizeL]*Spamming, Flooding and Off-Topic Posting *Flaming, Member Harassment, Use of Profanities *Useless/Racist/Biased/Hate Topics *Powerposting/Chatting within topics/threads unless otherwise allowed *Double-posting/Consecutive Posting *Creating multiple accounts[/quote] ^ these 'crimes' are really being committed by some of the members nowadays, newbies and old members alike. tsk3x.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Atleast a 100 post just to make sure because I think 50 post still easy to be meat ni fun thread games hehe...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

:arrow: [b]we need kuya tiki's power in manipulating internet connection.. :evil: ahaha *me is being evil* lol. what's happening to ftalk?? is it really this hard to be popular??[/b] :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

[quote=lucknskill]Any member can only add reps if he/she meets this certain conditions: • a member can reputation with someone who does not have the same IP with him. • a member who's post counts does meet the requirements (say 50 posts) to add or deduct points. • a member who is newly registered at a minimum amount of 2 weeks.[/quote] Hey, I agree on this one!! gj bro! ;) [b]@ Ephe:[/b] 100 posts? i think 50 is enough since we'll know eventually their corresponding IP's..hehe [b]@ mareh:[/b] in other words, *desperate*
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

toink ..... me jaz passing by... mizel ask for my comment about this... mmm... jaz wanna ask wats there about having a big repu ??? for me reputation doesnt prove anything.... either ur the best topic poster, a good moderator, a top profile contributor, or jaz a simple member.... evryone an FTalker and if ur jaz up to be popular by having d most number of reputation... then u dont deserve to be an FTalker... wew.... to FoRsAkEnKiD and ate menggay... this is a nice discovery... hope d admin could do sumthing bout this... --> there could also be a posibility, like for wat ive known, some cafe's uses onli one IP... so we cant disregard that maybe a different person registered those acct in the same cafe.. (if its a cafe) :D <---( but a very litle posibility onli... if im an active FTalker, then i should have had my own pc.... anywayz.. thats all... bow! :D good to post agen... im missing this... but ill promise u ill be back this summer... :D ps... (offtopic... may tour kami sa manila after holy week... pasyal niu nman ako dyan... :lol: .. gimik tau.. haha) :wallbash:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

^ Psst, pls edit the last sentence to English... And btw, only mods can read about this one, members can't. ;)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

Wahaha anyway we will wait for your comeback sir tiks hehe... I hope sir admin has a good idea on this :o
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

[quote=tikboyoyoy]wew.... to FoRsAkEnKiD and ate menggay... this is a nice discovery... hope d admin could do sumthing bout this...[/quote] uhm, actually, Sir Admin already knows about this case, and he already did reset eL's Repu Points to 0. Sir Admin also told me in one of his replies: [quote=admin]Like I've also told to meng.o3, ever since the reputation feature was added I already considered about this kind of issue. No one should cheating his reputation. I know its impossible to track each member's reputation history. But moderators have the right (but not obliged) to take any appropriate action if they find a user doing something like this (like giving warning message and reset rep. point to 0).[/quote] =) :thumbsup: [quote=tikboyoyoy]--> there could also be a posibility, like for wat ive known, some cafe's uses onli one IP... so we cant disregard that maybe a different person registered those acct in the same cafe.. (if its a cafe) <---( but a very litle posibility onli... if im an active FTalker, then i should have had my own pc....[/quote] yes that is also possible in some internet cafes..but that is really rare nowadays. internet cafes have more or less similar IP address (for example:,, and so on..). and as what kuya tiks stated, in the case of an active FTalker, he should have had his own PC.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

[quote=lucknskill]Any member can only add reps if he/she meets this certain conditions: • a member can reputation with someone who does not have the same IP with him. • a member who's post counts does meet the requirements (say 50 posts) to add or deduct points. • a member who is newly registered at a minimum amount of 2 weeks.[/quote] Agree-agree. Those recommendations could be some suggestions for Sir Admin. :D So there will be no Fake member which only have 1 function > add repu! :D

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2007-03-16 01:39:56)

  • » back when i wasnt still a Moderator, me and ateh meng were acually on an investigation about a case of an FTalk member who uses other account(s) to boost his Reputation Points. im sharing this report

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