• » Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

Pages: 112345678..8

Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

It worked on me!! thanks!!:thumbsup: I'll think first before I'l give u a repu
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

think?? hehe... ok buddy... do so, so that you wont be giving +repu to the wrong person... ^_^ :eh::thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

:Dhi hilopooo.. im new here and i really think your scrist is cool... i was thinking of using it for my profile... and really excited but the problem is i dont know how, i read the post with the tiitle"compiling javascript....(etc.)":lol::lol: but cant seem to follow through... hmmmm... soweee....:cry::cry: can you please teach me...i've done step one and saved it in my ripway accnt but step 2??? uhhh.... i have no idea how to do it... can you please teach me? it would be really helpful....:rolleyes:=) please:(:crybaby: :kiss:thanx :wallbash::wallbash:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

nice, i will try this later.... thanks for sharing!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[quote=styker17]Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it was posted.. :disgust:. down sides of the code... :arrow: It will only scan the "recent" comments (the firt page of comments only) :arrow: You need to turn off, "accept comments manually." (meaning not recommended for those who have secrets to hide. you know what i mean :lol: ) nice sides of the code... :arrow: You'll be able to ask your viewer to drop some "recent" comment. :arrow: It does not force your viewer to leave some comment which is very annoying... [b]How does it work??[/b] [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/styker17[/url] [b]1.[/b] view my profile and stay there for 2 minutes (yes its two minutes...be patient ok? It is worth waiting for:lol:) [b]2.[/b] since the code saw that you don't have any comment for me yet, a dialog box will pop out looks like this :thumbsdown: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner1.GIF[/url] [b]3.[/b] if you'll click ok on the dialog box, it will redirect you to comment page of friendster but...click cancel for the mean time coz there is more i want to show. [b]4.[/b] click any link exept your picture in my friends list and exept the viewers on my tracker. Since you dont have any comment for me yet and you are now going to exit my page, alert will ask you like this :thumbsdown: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner2.GIF[/url] [b]5.[/b] now click ok to leave some comment. it could be any like, "i am just testing your code." [b]6.[/b] Now view my profile again...(make sure your comment shows on my comments box. If it does not, refresh my page. [b]7.[/b] Stay there again for 2 minutes (two minutes isn't that long right? :D ) [b]8.[/b] Now that you have already a comment for me, alert will say... [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner3.GIF[/url] [b]9. [/b]finally, exit my page... did it work?? :arrow: if yes...GREAT!! You can use it free!! look at the script below :arrow: if no...:crybaby: poor me...my :wallbash: didn't pay off... [b] requrements for code to work [/b] :arrow: Knowledge about js. If you dont know js, go here ->[url=http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html]click me[/url] :arrow: Plus repu for me.. :eh: :thumbsup: [b]STEPS TO FOLLOW:[/b] :arrow: [b]STEP ONE[/b] Save this to your ripway with the file name that ends with [i].html[/i] ...for example, [i]styker.html[/i] [quote]<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #000000; cursor: ; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var r=confirm("[color=red]You have to go?" + '\n' + " ok then. I just want to remind you..." + '\n' + "You forgot the comment." + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Would you like to leave a comment now?[/color]"); if (r==true) { window.location="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]32428693[/b]"; } else { window.close() } </script> </body> </html>[/quote] This will handle the onunload alert because spawning a onunload alert on your profile won't redirect the viewer properly... :arrow: [b]STEP TWO[/b] compile this with your JS files :thumbsdown: [quote]//comment scanner by styker17 function stykercommentscan(){ var scanner = document.getElementById("content_18").innerHTML; var ITACconfirm = scanner.search(""+pageViewerFName+"</a"); if(ITACconfirm < 0) { var r=confirm("[color=red]hi, "+pageViewerFName+". You've been here in my page for about a couple of minutes." + '\n' + "And it seems like you don't have any recent comment for me yet. " + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Would you like to drop some comment for me now?[/color]"); if (r==true) { window.location="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]32428693[/b]"; } else { alert("[color=red]Well then, thx for comming, "+pageViewerFName+"!! " + '\n' + "Enjoy your stay!!" + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Drop some comment before you go. ok?[/color]"); } } var month = null; var namecharlength = pageViewerFName.length; var monthonnumber = scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+60) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+61); if(monthonnumber == 01){var month = "Jan";} if(monthonnumber == 02){var month = "Feb";} if(monthonnumber == 03){var month = "Mar";} if(monthonnumber == 04){var month = "April";} if(monthonnumber == 05){var month = "May";} if(monthonnumber == 06){var month = "June";} if(monthonnumber == 07){var month = "July";} if(monthonnumber == 08){var month = "Aug";} if(monthonnumber == 09){var month = "Sept";} if(monthonnumber == 10){var month = "Oct";} if(monthonnumber == 11){var month = "Nov";} if(monthonnumber == 12){var month = "Dec";} var dayyr = scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+63) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+64)+ ", " + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+55) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+56) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+57) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+58); if(ITACconfirm > 0) { alert("[color=red]hi "+pageViewerFName+", " + '\n' + "welcome back to my humble profile. " + '\n' + "" + '\n' + "Just want to thank you for the comment you left last "+month+" "+dayyr+". " + '\n' + "That was really appreciated.[/color]"); } }setTimeout("stykercommentscan()", [color=green]120000[/color]); function commentremind(){ var scanner = document.getElementById("content_18").innerHTML; var ITACconfirm = scanner.search(""+pageViewerFName+"</a"); if(ITACconfirm < 0) { window.open("[color=blue]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/dialogboxonuloadhandler.html[/color]") } else { alert("[color=red]Bye "+pageViewerFName+"..." + '\n' + "Thnx for comming!! I'll be waiting for your next visit!! ^_^[/color]"); } }window.onunload = function() {commentremind();}[/quote] edit the parts... [color=red]red[/color] :arrow: your message [i]*note: [b]" + '\n' + "[/b] <--- codes like this are line breaks (enter space) [/i] [b]bold[/b] :arrow: your id [color=blue]blue[/color] :arrow: url of html file you uploaded earlier [color=green]green[/color] :arrow: the delay for the first message to pop up...(120000 on the code means 120 seconds) thats it!!=):thumbsup:e[/quote] ------ei. where will i put the second step? i think it'll be really cool...thanks in advance...
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[color=green]its not working when i put the JS codes for WVM by Sir Marfillaster.. :crybaby: care to help?? :([/color]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

awts.. i'm not that good but let me try to help you sir... [i]post edited[/i] the code is working on your page buddy... :eh:

Last edited by styker17 (2008-03-23 04:50:55)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

nice tweak perfect for friendster addix.:)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

:O cool trick bro! =):thumbsup: i'll try this now . :D thanks for share . ;]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

wow Thx For Sharing
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

what do i need to do after i upload those on ripway???
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[quote=cammae05]what do i need to do after i upload those on ripway???[/quote] link it to your friendster profile bro... if you dont know... read this first [url]http://theftalk.com/t23618-Confusing-words-terms-noobs....html[/url] pm me for the linker
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[b]wow!!this is fun!!^^[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[b]pwEdi po ba toh sa overlay na layouts?[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

nice one!!weeeeee!! hehehe [b]comment me in my profile[/b] [url]http://www.friendster.com/lloyd1108[/url]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

hi...it works...heheheh...:D after a week of trying to figure out how to do this stuff i finally did it!!weee uhh but a little problem, i tried it on my own page, and my comment page apeared ans so did another persons page, it just keeps on showing up... sowee.. have i done something wrong?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

[quote=styker17]Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it was posted.. :disgust:. down sides of the code... :arrow: It will only scan the "recent" comments (the firt page of comments only) :arrow: You need to turn off, "accept comments manually." (meaning not recommended for those who have secrets to hide. you know what i mean :lol: ) nice sides of the code... :arrow: You'll be able to ask your viewer to drop some "recent" comment. :arrow: It does not force your viewer to leave some comment which is very annoying... [b]How does it work??[/b] [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/styker17[/url] [b]1.[/b] view my profile and stay there for 2 minutes (yes its two minutes...be patient ok? It is worth waiting for:lol:) [b]2.[/b] since the code saw that you don't have any comment for me yet, a dialog box will pop out looks like this :thumbsdown: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner1.GIF[/url] [b]3.[/b] if you'll click ok on the dialog box, it will redirect you to comment page of friendster but...click cancel for the mean time coz there is more i want to show. [b]4.[/b] click any link exept your picture in my friends list and exept the viewers on my tracker. Since you dont have any comment for me yet and you are now going to exit my page, alert will ask you like this :thumbsdown: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner2.GIF[/url] [b]5.[/b] now click ok to leave some comment. it could be any like, "i am just testing your code." [b]6.[/b] Now view my profile again...(make sure your comment shows on my comments box. If it does not, refresh my page. [b]7.[/b] Stay there again for 2 minutes (two minutes isn't that long right? :D ) [b]8.[/b] Now that you have already a comment for me, alert will say... [url]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/autocommentscanner3.GIF[/url] [b]9. [/b]finally, exit my page... did it work?? :arrow: if yes...GREAT!! You can use it free!! look at the script below :arrow: if no...:crybaby: poor me...my :wallbash: didn't pay off... [b] requrements for code to work [/b] :arrow: Knowledge about js. If you dont know js, go here ->[url=http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html]click me[/url] :arrow: Plus repu for me.. :eh: :thumbsup: [b]STEPS TO FOLLOW:[/b] :arrow: [b]STEP ONE[/b] Save this to your ripway with the file name that ends with [i].html[/i] ...for example, [i]styker.html[/i] [quote]<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #000000; cursor: ; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var r=confirm("[color=red]You have to go?" + '\n' + " ok then. I just want to remind you..." + '\n' + "You forgot the comment." + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Would you like to leave a comment now?[/color]"); if (r==true) { window.location="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]32428693[/b]"; } else { window.close() } </script> </body> </html>[/quote] This will handle the onunload alert because spawning a onunload alert on your profile won't redirect the viewer properly... :arrow: [b]STEP TWO[/b] compile this with your JS files :thumbsdown: [quote]//comment scanner by styker17 function stykercommentscan(){ var scanner = document.getElementById("content_18").innerHTML; var ITACconfirm = scanner.search(""+pageViewerFName+"</a"); if(ITACconfirm < 0) { var r=confirm("[color=red]hi, "+pageViewerFName+". You've been here in my page for about a couple of minutes." + '\n' + "And it seems like you don't have any recent comment for me yet. " + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Would you like to drop some comment for me now?[/color]"); if (r==true) { window.location="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]32428693[/b]"; } else { alert("[color=red]Well then, thx for comming, "+pageViewerFName+"!! " + '\n' + "Enjoy your stay!!" + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Drop some comment before you go. ok?[/color]"); } } var month = null; var namecharlength = pageViewerFName.length; var monthonnumber = scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+60) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+61); if(monthonnumber == 01){var month = "Jan";} if(monthonnumber == 02){var month = "Feb";} if(monthonnumber == 03){var month = "Mar";} if(monthonnumber == 04){var month = "April";} if(monthonnumber == 05){var month = "May";} if(monthonnumber == 06){var month = "June";} if(monthonnumber == 07){var month = "July";} if(monthonnumber == 08){var month = "Aug";} if(monthonnumber == 09){var month = "Sept";} if(monthonnumber == 10){var month = "Oct";} if(monthonnumber == 11){var month = "Nov";} if(monthonnumber == 12){var month = "Dec";} var dayyr = scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+63) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+64)+ ", " + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+55) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+56) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+57) + scanner.charAt(ITACconfirm+namecharlength+58); if(ITACconfirm > 0) { alert("[color=red]hi "+pageViewerFName+", " + '\n' + "welcome back to my humble profile. " + '\n' + "" + '\n' + "Just want to thank you for the comment you left last "+month+" "+dayyr+". " + '\n' + "That was really appreciated.[/color]"); } }setTimeout("stykercommentscan()", [color=green]120000[/color]); function commentremind(){ var scanner = document.getElementById("content_18").innerHTML; var ITACconfirm = scanner.search(""+pageViewerFName+"</a"); if(ITACconfirm < 0) { window.open("[color=blue]http://h1.ripway.com/styker17/dialogboxonuloadhandler.html[/color]") } else { alert("[color=red]Bye "+pageViewerFName+"..." + '\n' + "Thnx for comming!! I'll be waiting for your next visit!! ^_^[/color]"); } }window.onunload = function() {commentremind();}[/quote] edit the parts... [color=red]red[/color] :arrow: your message [i]*note: [b]" + '\n' + "[/b] <--- codes like this are line breaks (enter space) [/i] [b]bold[/b] :arrow: your id [color=blue]blue[/color] :arrow: url of html file you uploaded earlier [color=green]green[/color] :arrow: the delay for the first message to pop up...(120000 on the code means 120 seconds) thats it!!=):thumbsup:e[/quote]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

nice codes anway, im gonna to use it. ;)

Last edited by soxyzhane (2008-03-30 08:02:43)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

where can i paste it? coz i don't know where to paste this huhu..:crybaby: :wallbash:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

wer should i paste that one?.. :| make it clear so no more ques. about it.., :disgust: by da waY ,,go job..:D and tnk 4 sharing... :lol:..,, ?
  • » Here is the code that my :wallbash: had come up with!! :lol: I think i found the solution now... But i'm not sure if this will work for everyone... I hope this wont be a crap like the first time it w

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