Yah you probably had seen a few of the [i]pimped[/i] Friendster Blogs who have chatboxes or mp3 players or any other 'external objects' on them (like Stat Counters, Link Lists, Embeddable Videos, JavaScripts, etc). So you think having one on a Blog is cool? wanna have one on your Friendster Blog too? Its actually very easy. Interested? Very well then, let me be your Guide...
I bring you my tutorial about [b]Pimping Your Friendster Blog with Custom Typelists[/b].
Im sure other tutorials about this have been written already, but im just gonna give you my own version (since Ive also had received quite a lot of messages on my inbox asking about this topic). So enough talk, let's begin..
[b]STEP 1:[/b] First off, the most important requirement is that you must have created a Friendster Blog. Ok, so if you already have one, please proceed to the next step. If you havent made a Friendster Blog yet... What?! where have you been? Ok, so please go make one. I think i dont have to explain it here on how to make an FS Blog right?
But just a reminder, make sure you have decided well about the URL of your FS Blog, since you'll never gonna be able to replace the URL once you have already made the Blog (ex: if the url of your blog is themostn00bisheverofall.blogs.friendster.com, then you'll never gonna be able to change it, forever..), unless of course you delete your Blog and start over again the process of making one
[b]STEP 2:[/b] Log-in to your Friendster account. Go to your [url=http://blogs.www.friendster.com/t/app/weblog]Blogs Management page[/url]. You should have something like this on your screen:
Now, see that one that i boxed? Yah the word that says [b]Typelists[/b]. Click that one.
[b]STEP 3:[/b] Now you are in the [b]Blog Typelists[/b] page ([url=http://friendsterhelp.blogs.com/faq/typelists/index.html]more info about Tylelists here[/url]). This feature of the FS Blog is actually the key element about this tutorial. We are goin to make a custom Typelist that would contain our chatbox/flash mp3 player/etc.
Back to the tutorial.. now on your screen, you should have something like this:
To create a custom Typelist, press the dropdown button and choose [b]Link[/b]. Name it with anything you like. For this tutorial, were going to put a flash mp3 player on your blog, so you can name this Typelist as [b]My mp3 Player[/b] for example. Confirm the creation by clicking the [b]Create new list[/b] button.
[b]STEP 4:[/b] Now on your screen, you should have something like this:
Dont put anything on the text field, just click the [b]Add[/b] button.
[b]STEP 5:[/b] You would then be on this screen after that:
See that [b]Notes[/b] part, there is where we are goin to place the codes of our mp3 player (its like the [i]Media Section[/i] of [i]editprofile[/i]), so lets just set that page aside for now.
Open another internet browser and go to a site that has flash mp3 players (ex: loudfusion.com, myflashfetish.com, etc). After creating an account and having your playlist ready, get the [b]embed code[/b] of your mp3 player. Now place the code you have to the [b]Notes[/b] part of the custom Typelist that you had just made. Save your settings by clicking the [b]Save and Update[/b] button.
[b]STEP 6:[/b] After the confirmation, you have something like this:
Now click the link that i boxed. It will take you to your [b]Typelist Configuration [/b]page. Scroll down a bit and look for this one:
Choose [b]Display notes: As text[/b]. You dont have to touch the other options on this page. Click the [b]Save Changes[/b] button afterwards.
[b]STEP 7:[/b] Congratulations! You had just made a custom Typelist with a flash mp3 player on. Now all that is left to do is to make that typelist to appear on your Blog (since a newly made Typelist is hidded from your Blog page by default).
So now go back to your [url=http://blogs.www.friendster.com/t/app/weblog]Blogs Management page[/url] (or whatever you call that). You should have something like this again:
Click the [b]Edit Design[/b] link. You'll see something like this:
Go to [b]Content[/b]. Now you see a list of your Modules that you want to appear in your Blog page. Scroll down below and you should see the label of the newly made Typelist and its corresponding unchecked box beside it, like this one:
Check the box. Save your settings.
[b]STEP 8:[/b] Viola! Now you had just made the newly created Typelist, namely a flash mp3 player, to appear on your Blog page! Gratz! The same process is done in putting a chatbox, or a stat counter, or a video, etc, on your Blog. Just create the corresponding custom Typelist for every external object you want to place on your Blog page.
[b]STEP 9:[/b] Hmm.. some final polishings.. you might want to arrange the order of the Modules and Typelists, so just go to the [b]Order[/b] section of the [b]Blog Design Configuration[/b] page. And also, the maximum width of the custom Typelist for two-column layout is about 195-200 pixels, and for a three-column layout its about 170-175 pixels, but im not that sure about those figures, so just adjust the size of the flash player or the chatbox to fit the size of the Typelist.
You can go to [url=http://xharles_zhadow.blogs.friendster.com/forsakenkid/]My Blog Page[/url] for a preview if you like.
Whew! There you have it. I hope I had helped someone somewhere. Pls post your questions if you have any, cuz again, there might have been some important things i had missed on the process.
\m/, (//_^) .\m/