[quote=Nero]Well my country will have new things after 2 months of the release date and not much arcade shop willing to buy a new arcade machine except for 1 of the best arcade shop name TKA wonderland.
I think my country will have it next year because I only get to play Tekken 5

R at this year January only.[/quote]
I think your country had alot of expert tekken players and you are one of them right?

Speaking to arcade, I hope they release at least 1 arcade machine for tekken6 this year or next year. Unfortunately, the price of ps3 here at Phlippines is quite high(php 45,000.00). I can't imagine if I can buy that thing! Maybe it takes me in ages if I'm going to save money to reach that huge amout huhuhu~
By the way, our arcade machine for tekken5DR here in our place has been destroyed. I wonder who destroyed it? Maybe they over used it and I think parts of that machine is not available here so untill now they don't fix it!
[quote=Nero]Well today I go to arcade shop and play T5:DR and someone just can't stop interrupt my Dragunov's training and always use baek to interrupt so I counter with Lili and we got 3win and 3 lose each person but at last he get the machine because he just won't give up after lose.
After that I try to be friendly and said :'Wow!!you don't need to be so cruel' and he reply with a very proud tone and said :I dunno how to play 1..if I know you wont defeat me...come and insert your card again,I lose I'll let you the machine.'.I only want to be friend not the machine.........what the hell that guy thinking......LV3rd Dan lose to my 5th Kyu still so proud.
3rd Dan is 7level higher than 5th Kyu.[/quote]
Hehehe how friendly you are keep it up dude

Like you we had the same feelings about arcade life, it's fun and enjoyable

I remember, I broke the highest winning record in our place I think last month, the previous was 43wins and the latest now is 49wins for tekken tag arcade. It's kinda challenging and as well it's fun on that moment