Glad that he won??? nahhhhhhhh...
Im extremely Happy that he won!
David cook is my future boyfriend

Hotness all the way!![img][/img]
He has this cool style, originality, Husky voice, wicked attitude..and he cries!!
Hes so cute when he cries!![img][/img]
[b]He's Blazin Molten Hot!![/b][img][/img]
David A is not Gay,..hes just too kiddy!

, I liked David A before cause hes soo cute! [img][/img]
But after the makeover David C had, and the Always Be My baby performance..I fell!!, Head over heels!!..hahhaha
All in all.. David Cook absolutely positively utterly deserve to win!!
And Simon apologized to David Cook for the straight David A win the night before the finals..

David Cook Won..i dont care much more enought fo the others [i]bsta[/i] David C won!!