• » pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

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pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

» n00b
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

I <3 MCR. Haha. Fave = "To the End" =|
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[quote=soulx3]I <3 MCR. Haha. Fave = "To the End" =|[/quote] [i]"he calls the mansion not a house but a tomb. ."[/i] one of MCR's best songs. . . :D
SymphOny XII
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

MCR = unique....in some ways =) \m/
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

they always try to make every songs unique. so people can always remember their songs. =)
» n00b
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[quote=wardevil05]pls post ur comments about my chemical romance[/quote] :o im not looking for trouble... but its nice if someone reacts to some of your statements.. :D :thumbsup: MCR really rocks.. no wonder many people are becoming fans of this cute band.. :thumbsup: im one of the first MCR fans.. since september 2002 im still 15 at that time.. :thumbsdown: society is gaining lots of potential emo gays due to this bands. :thumbsdown: MCR has become a trend... todays youth, specially here in the philippines are punks, punk or emo wannabes and a lot of them are posers.. punk or emo here has become a fashion statement.. if you have a chuck.. or a pair of cheap chuck-look-a-like sneakers from china.. and wears like one.. then your a punk! stupid punks! gay punks... :thumbsdown: listening to MCR at first fells like listening to justin timberlake.. you might have heard helena a couple of times before you could say that you actually like MCR.. and thanks to poser friends who tells and spread the MCR fever... :exclaim: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: MCR released there debut album "i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" in 2002... i bet not at least 2 of you here hear's a single piece of song from this album.... :exclaim: MCR had taken a lot of publicity on there second album 3 cheers 4 sweet revenge from band the used.. gerard and bert are close friends.. and the used had there self titled album released at a same year as MCR's first, 2002... there comes the publicity... and helena came 2 life.. :crybaby: MCR is being labeled emo.. do you know what emo stands for..?? its emotional.. damn! being emotional is a lot ok for girls... but for mens, naah! its like being a part of the homos.. :crybaby: gerard way and co-bands never wanted to be labeled emo.. i mean who wants one... we are certainly rock bands making names.. and at the end we end up being labeled as emo.. sigh***!! this reply is so long... :D i love MCR anyway... they rock... its like... i dont hate MCR, i hate there fans.. ahh i mean posers! :arrow: i did not called you guyz a poser... if you are offended then you might be... :D :eh: and remeber... as you guyz become more addicted to music.. you tend to hate newbies or acting like rocker posers.. how would you feel that if you yourself is a true-blooded-rock fan..?? you rock guyzzz, welcome to the rock world.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[quote=dopz]:o im not looking for trouble... but its nice if someone reacts to some of your statements.. :D[/quote] agree. so this is my reactions. :arrow: [quote]:thumbsup: MCR really rocks.. no wonder many people are becoming fans of this cute band..[/quote] cute band?LOL. =) . that's why there are so MANY fake MCR fans -i mean POSERS-. they love MCR just because their cutie faces. :lol: [quote]:thumbsup: im one of the first MCR fans.. since september 2002 im still 15 at that time..[/quote] me too. one of MCR#1 fans. since they were made into a band. -Matt was still their drummer- [quote]:thumbsdown: society is gaining lots of potential emo gays due to this bands. :thumbsdown: MCR has become a trend... todays youth, specially here in the philippines are punks, punk or emo wannabes and a lot of them are posers.. punk or emo here has become a fashion statement.. if you have a chuck.. or a pair of cheap chuck-look-a-like sneakers from china.. and wears like one.. then your a punk! stupid punks! gay punks...[/quote] LOL. posers wannabe. here in indonesia, they also INVOLVED. posers everywhere. poke my eyes. [quote]:thumbsdown: listening to MCR at first fells like listening to justin timberlake.. you might have heard helena a couple of times before you could say that you actually like MCR.. and thanks to poser friends who tells and spread the MCR fever...[/quote] hahaha. i dont like posers anyway. fake people. fake fans. wanna kill them. [quote]:exclaim: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: MCR released there debut album "i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" in 2002... i bet not at least 2 of you here hear's a single piece of song from this album....[/quote] fyi.i have that album. :D Skylines and Turnstiles was their debut single. then the Eyeball Records made their first album. "I Brought u my bullets, u brought me ur love". Btw. have u seen their vid "Vampires Will Never Hurt U". they wear a lot of makeups. :lol: [quote]:exclaim: MCR had taken a lot of publicity on there second album 3 cheers 4 sweet revenge from band the used.. gerard and bert are close friends.. and the used had there self titled album released at a same year as MCR's first, 2002... there comes the publicity... and helena came 2 life..[/quote] i wonder if Gerard and Bert have crushed. :lol: [quote]:crybaby: MCR is being labeled emo.. do you know what emo stands for..?? its emotional.. damn! being emotional is a lot ok for girls... but for mens, naah! its like being a part of the homos..[/quote] but emo for men>homos? i dont think in that way. [quote]:crybaby: gerard way and co-bands never wanted to be labeled emo.. i mean who wants one... we are certainly rock bands making names.. and at the end we end up being labeled as emo.. sigh***!![/quote] whatever people wanna label them. their music is UNIQUE. [quote]this reply is so long...[/quote] this reply is so long too . . :D [quote]:D i love MCR anyway... they rock... its like... i dont hate MCR, i hate there fans.. ahh i mean posers! :arrow: i did not called you guyz a poser... if you are offended then you might be... :D[/quote] offended? LOL. posers always try to be. in fact, they know [b]NOTHIN[/b]. [quote]:eh: and remeber... as you guyz become more addicted to music.. you tend to hate newbies or acting like rocker posers.. how would you feel that if you yourself is a true-blooded-rock fan..?? you rock guyzzz, welcome to the rock world.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:[/quote] welcome to the rock world too. . . and WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE! :arrow:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]welcome to the rock world too. . . and WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE! :arrow:[/quote] im not getting myself into trouble again... :D ;) naah... [b]u dont need to welcomed me to the rock world...[/b] ive been a rock fan since the start of bands like collective soul in the late 1990's and the start of the RHCP since there album in 1984.. as u see.. im still most likely at prep at that time... thats the influence ive got from my brothers... and i dont need to be welcomed to the black parade.. ;) as u see, the black parade sounds just like any other christmas songs... and i prefer listening to the used and TBS... and i dont like gerard way anymore... he looks really gay in thier vid.. im sorry if i have offended you.. you know fans fight for there idols.. ;p and im so sorry im a rock fan.. im not a die hard MCR fan... rock and MCR are different if you like rock.. then u like rock music.. if you like MCR, it doesnt mean you had been to the rock world... you are just an MCR fan... and there are so [b]many many many[/b] bands that are [b]much better than MCR..[/b] ;) ahh.. hope i didnt get u mad.. :paranoid: peace out!
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[quote=dopz][quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]welcome to the rock world too. . . and WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE! :arrow:[/quote] im not getting myself into trouble again... :D ;) naah... [b]u dont need to welcomed me to the rock world...[/b] ive been a rock fan since the start of bands like collective soul in the late 1990's and the start of the RHCP since there album in 1984.. as u see.. im still most likely at prep at that time... thats the influence ive got from my brothers... and i dont need to be welcomed to the black parade.. ;) as u see, the black parade sounds just like any other christmas songs... and i prefer listening to the used and TBS... and i dont like gerard way anymore... he looks really gay in thier vid.. im sorry if i have offended you.. you know fans fight for there idols.. ;p and im so sorry im a rock fan.. im not a die hard MCR fan... rock and MCR are different if you like rock.. then u like rock music.. if you like MCR, it doesnt mean you had been to the rock world... you are just an MCR fan... and there are so [b]many many many[/b] bands that are [b]much better than MCR..[/b] ;) ahh.. hope i didnt get u mad.. :paranoid: peace out![/quote] u arent in trouble rite now. im not kinda a mad dude. ouch. i thought ure a MCR fan. :lol: but ure not. perhaps. everyone has different opinions bout rock or MCR. that are ur opinions about rock and opinions. for me. i love MCR as a rocker.not as a poser. and fyi im into the rock world too. listen to other bands. -rock bands- [quote]and there are so many many many bands that are much better than MCR..[/quote] LOL. each person has their fave band/best band. for some people, MCR isnt cool or bad. eventhough, u said like that. i wont mad at u. :cool: cuz i believe that MCR is one of best bands in the world. they can be a legend. :D they have lots of awards. one of them is "BEST BAND IN THE PLANET" from KERRANG!Award 2006 if they arent AWESOME, Kerrang wont give that award. :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

hihhh. yeaa gerard is my 2nd favorite. his new blonde looks really awesome
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[b]coz [u][i]mikey[/i][/u] is sooooo hot! ;] [/b] [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y45/lady_kru/mcr/mikeyhearts.gif[/img]

Last edited by bladeofgrass (2007-01-26 05:31:20)

- razian -
» FTalker
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

My Chemical Romance ROcKz! Cancer Welcome To The Black Parade Famous Last Words The End lol story [i]una may sakit na cancer bigla namatay inilibing huling salita tapos "TAPOS NA"[/i] [img]http://filexoom.com/files/2007/1/21/54463/tutututut.gif[/img] ROCk ON!!!!!!!!!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[b]"If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about." -[i][u]Gerard Way[/u][/i][/b] [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y45/lady_kru/mcr/mikeygerard015yn.jpg[/img]
miss kita pag tuesday
» FTalkManiac
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

simply... MCR is genius :idea:
» FTalker
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

Love their songs..
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

[b]"be urself . dont take anyone's s.h.i.t . and never let them take u alive. . ."[/b] know this quote everyone?? :D
» FTalkAddict
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

MCR roxx coz they can make a one of a kind musics which leave their listeners some recognition.. lurve their songs!,, they also roxx coz of how they sing their song,, theyre all good!,, :thumbsup: :kiss:
» FTalker
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

I lurrrveeee MRC!!! Their beat is kinda like...yeah! xD
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

haha. because theire songss hav meaningss i meann every lyrics hav a goodd meaning. :eh: uh. getss?
jOycee c",)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

... =) =) =) =) =)
» FTalker
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Re: pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

MCR ROCKS!!! love their old songs...nyaha, esp Helena
  • » pls post ur comments about my chemical romance

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