
MCR really rocks.. no wonder many people are becoming fans of this cute band..[/quote]
cute band?LOL.

. that's why there are so MANY fake MCR fans -i mean POSERS-. they love MCR just because their cutie faces.

MCR is overrated. They aren't that good, there are so many vocalist who's better than theirs, there are lots of guitarist who can play better than them seriously, the lyrics of their songs isn't that deep and meaningful, the drums isn't that great almost all the beat in the song is the same. Obviously, they only got famous because of their appearance in media, in music industry it doesn't matter if your good at playing, only MONEY matters, you won't get famous if you're not rich or if your manager isn't rich. So yeah, "my chem" is not really good, their popularity made them look good, and because of it many people believe they are really a pwnsome uber pawnge band.

society is gaining lots of potential emo gays due to this bands.

MCR has become a trend... todays youth, specially here in the philippines are punks, punk or emo wannabes and a lot of them are posers..
punk or emo here has become a fashion statement.. if you have a chuck..
or a pair of cheap chuck-look-a-like sneakers from china.. and wears like one..
then your a punk! stupid punks! gay punks...[/quote]
LOL. posers wannabe. here in indonesia, they also INVOLVED. posers everywhere. poke my eyes.[/quote]
I'm an emo listener before it got so famous, its annoying really when you see some poseurs, yes POSEUR not poser. FYI, emo is under punk, in the genre branch. They aren't really different. Just like blackmetal is under metal.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: MCR released there debut album
"i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" in 2002... i bet not at least 2 of you here hear's a single piece of song from this album....[/quote]
fyi.i have that album.

Skylines and Turnstiles was their debut single. then the Eyeball Records made their first album. "I Brought u my bullets, u brought me ur love".
Btw. have u seen their vid "Vampires Will Never Hurt U". they wear a lot of makeups.

hmm... Have you heard of their old songs, like "Jack the Ripper", "Sister to sleep", "All I want for Christmas Is you"?

MCR is being labeled emo.. do you know what emo stands for..??
its emotional.. damn! being emotional is a lot ok for girls... but for mens, naah!
its like being a part of the homos..[/quote]
but emo for men>homos? i dont think in that way.[/quote]
Ah, you're just like them. yes you are like them. For all who don't know what emo is, it means Emotional Hardcore, its a freaking genre, even if you are emotionally depressed, having one-sided hair, has slits on your wrist, wears stripes clothes, it won't make you an emo. why? because emo is a genre! You can't be a genre, you can't be punk or goth or metal either, those are freaking genres. Whenever you say "I am emo" it makes you really a poseur, haven't you thought that saying that is saying some thing like "I am rnb", "I am so love song".

gerard way and co-bands never wanted to be labeled emo..
i mean who wants one... we are certainly rock bands making names..
and at the end we end up being labeled as emo.. sigh***!![/quote]
whatever people wanna label them. their music is UNIQUE.[/quote]
They can be labeled, because they are band, all bands have genres, people just have to label them right, and obviously their genre isn't emo, i think its something plain, like "rock".

i love MCR anyway... they rock...
its like... i dont hate MCR, i hate there fans.. ahh i mean posers!

i did not called you guyz a poser... if you are offended then you might be...

posers always try to be. in fact, they know [b]NOTHIN[/b].[/quote]
Poseurs claim they are emo, punk, goth, or metal.
Poseurs always think about how to improve they're being addicted to "rock".
Poseurs always want to show off, they always wear those clothes those bands wear.
Poseurs always think of how they rock, and rock, and almost nothing else.
Poseurs know they are poseurs. Yes, deep inside they really know.
Poseurs feels guilty right now.
Poseurs would tell themselves right now... "hmp im not guilty. im not"