Anyone who will click ur old blog's url will be directed to your new friendster blog..
[b]Try to post your questions and information regarding new friendster blog on this thread... [/b]
[b][url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=1834780#p1834780]MAKE YOUR OWN LAYOUT[/url][/b][align=center][/align]
whew.. I just update my blog and I was shocked..
amfufu.. i heart the layouts so much...
and you can change pages...
[url=http://mshsectiona.blog.friendster.com/]Sample of the New layout[/url]
It moved from Typepad powered to Wordpress Powered...
-shows your total posts, tags, categories, and comments (approved and unapproved)
-change theme link
-space used
-recent comments on your posts
-incoming links (powered by google blog search)
-you can set your default post and link category
-[b]comment moderation option[/b]
-[b]emails you when you received a comment in your post[/b]
-convert emotic icons
-choose if you want to have a full text or summary only of your feeds
-comment author can post their name and email-add..
-you dont have to be a friendster user to leave a comment..
Writing a post
-can embed media directly
-you can write a post using html tags..
-write a page... (u better try this one..
its liek putting another link in which u can write sumthing about urself/blog)
-manage posts, pages, tags, and categories
-import and export files form other blogs
-media library
-The designs are great... they are not boring anymoar....
-21 layouts to chose to....
-added Log in/out, admin, feed and Friendster links
-added A search form for your blog
-change Header Image and Color
-shows all posted comment in your blog
-you can change comment status to approved, unapproved, and spam..
Check it for yourself..... Friendster Blog is improving....
Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-10-25 21:34:38)